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Zero-Abstraction Postgres for TypeScript

Postgres and TypeScript are each, individually, fabulous.

Zapatos aims to make them work beautifully together. No abstractions, no distractions: just your database, with type safety.

Wow this is amazing. […] Exactly the kind of ‘use SQL in typescript code with type-safety’ non-ORM that I’ve always wanted.

There are a number of TypeScript SQL libraries out there, but I found that Zapatos hits the sweet spot.

Zapatos is amazing. […] I think its design is wonderful.

Probably the most underrated #TypeScript #PostgreSQL package right now.

OK just ran the sample on my own schema, whoa, this is fire.

[I’ve] tried every ORM there is in the JS/TypeScript land. And I’ve settled on Zapatos, which […] is a breath of fresh air and is a delight to use.

Am I crazy for thinking this seems really good?

Zapatos is super nice

What does it do?

To achieve this aim, Zapatos does these five things:

How does that look?

Typescript schema

A command-line tool speaks to your Postgres database and writes up a detailed TypeScript schema for every table.

Take this ultra-simple SQL schema for a single table, authors:

CREATE TABLE "authors" 
, "name" TEXT NOT NULL
, "isLiving" BOOLEAN );

We run npx zapatos to generate a file named schema.d.ts, including table definitions like this one:

export namespace authors {
  export type Table = 'authors';
  export interface Selectable {
    id: number;
    name: string;
    isLiving: boolean | null;
  export interface Whereable {
    id?: number | db.Parameter<number> | db.SQLFragment /* | ... etc ... */;
    name?: string | db.Parameter<string> | db.SQLFragment /* | ... etc ... */;
    isLiving?: boolean | db.Parameter<boolean> | db.SQLFragment /* | ... etc ... */;
  export interface Insertable {
    id?: number | db.Parameter<number> | db.DefaultType | db.SQLFragment;
    name: string | db.Parameter<string> | db.SQLFragment;
    isLiving?: boolean | db.Parameter<boolean> | null | db.DefaultType | db.SQLFragment;
  export interface Updatable {
    id?: number | db.Parameter<number> | db.DefaultType | db.SQLFragment /* | ... etc ... */;
    name?: string | db.Parameter<string> | db.SQLFragment /* | ... etc ... */;
    isLiving?: boolean | db.Parameter<boolean> | null | db.DefaultType | db.SQLFragment /* | ... etc ... */;
  /* ... etc ... */

The type names are, I hope, reasonably self-explanatory. authors.Selectable is what I’ll get back from a SELECT query on this table. authors.Whereable is what I can use in a WHERE condition: everything’s optional, and I can include arbitrary SQL. authors.Insertable is what I can INSERT: it’s similar to the Selectable, but any fields that are NULLable and/or have DEFAULT values are allowed to be missing, NULL or DEFAULT. authors.Updatable is what I can UPDATE the table with: like what I can INSERT, but all columns are optional: it’s (roughly) a Partial<authors.Insertable>.

schema.d.ts includes some other types that get used internally, including handy type mappings like this one:

export type SelectableForTable<T extends Table> = {
  authors: authors.Selectable;
  books: books.Selectable;
  tags: tags.Selectable;
  /* ... */

Zapatos supports tables, foreign tables, views and materialized views. It understands enumerated types: CREATE TYPE "size" AS ENUM ('big', 'small'); comes to TypeScript as 'big' | 'small'. And it lets you define the TypeScript treatment of domain types and user-defined types too.

Tell me more about the command line tool »

Arbitrary SQL

Simple building blocks help you write arbitrary SQL using tagged templates, and manually apply the right types to what goes in and what comes back.

Let’s insert something into that authors table for which we just generated the types. We’ll write the SQL query ourselves, to show how that works (though we’ll see an easier way in the next section):

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';const
  author: s.authors.Insertable = {
    name: 'Gabriel Garcia Marquez',
    isLiving: false,
  [insertedAuthor] = await db.sql<s.authors.SQL, s.authors.Selectable[]>`
      INSERT INTO ${"authors"} (${db.cols(author)})
      VALUES (${db.vals(author)}) RETURNING *`
INSERT INTO "authors" ("isLiving", "name")
  VALUES ($1, $2)
[false, "Gabriel Garcia Marquez"]
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Gabriel Garcia Marquez",
    "isLiving": false

We apply the appropriate type to the object we’re trying to insert (s.authors.Insertable), giving us type-checking and autocompletion on that object. And we specify both which types are allowed as interpolated values in the template string (s.authors.SQL) and what type is going to be returned (s.authors.Selectable[]) when the query runs.

We also use the cols and vals helper functions. These compile, respectively, to the object’s keys (which are the column names) and query placeholders ($1, $2, …) for the corresponding values.

You can click ‘Explore types’ above to open the code in an embedded Monaco (VS Code) editor, so you can check those typings for yourself.

Tell me more about writing arbitrary SQL »

Everyday CRUD

Shortcut functions produce everyday CRUD queries with no fuss and no surprises, fully and automatically typed.

So — writing SQL with Zapatos is nicer than constructing a query and all its input and output types from scratch. But for a totally bog-standard CRUD query like the INSERT above, it still involves quite a lot of boilerplate.

To eliminate the boilerplate, Zapatos supplies some simple functions to generate these sorts of queries, fully and automatically typed.

Let’s use one of them — insert — to add two more authors:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const [doug, janey] = await db.insert('authors', [
  { name: 'Douglas Adams', isLiving: false },
  { name: 'Jane Austen', isLiving: false },
INSERT INTO "authors" ("isLiving", "name")
  VALUES ($1, $2), ($3, $4)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("authors".*) AS result
[false, "Douglas Adams", false, "Jane Austen"]
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Douglas Adams",
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Jane Austen",
    "isLiving": false

The insert shortcut accepts a single Insertable or an Insertable[] array, and correspondingly returns a single JSONSelectable or a JSONSelectable[] array. Since we specified 'authors' as the first argument here, and an array as the second, input and output will be checked and auto-completed as authors.Insertable[] and authors.JSONSelectable[] respectively.

Again, click ‘Explore types’ to play around and check those typings.

In addition to insert, there are shortcuts for select (plus selectOne, selectExactlyOne, and simple aggregates such as count and sum), and for update, upsert, delete and truncate.

Tell me more about the shortcut functions »

JOINs as nested JSON

Nested shortcut calls generate LATERAL JOIN queries, resulting in arbitrarily complex nested JSON structures, still fully and automatically typed.

CRUD is our bread and butter, but the power of SQL is in the JOINs. Postgres has powerful JSON features than can deliver sensibly-structured JOIN results with minimal post-processing: json_agg, json_build_object, and so on. Zapatos builds on these.

To demonstrate, let’s say that authors have books and books have tags, adding two new tables to our simple schema:

, "authorId" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "authors"("id")
, "title" TEXT


CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "tagsUniqueIdx" ON "tags"("tag", "bookId");

And let’s say I want to show a list of books, each with its (one) author and (many) associated tags. We could knock up a manual query for this, of course, but it gets quite hairy. The select shortcut has an option called lateral that can nest other select queries and do it for us.

Let’s try it:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const bookAuthorTags = await'books', db.all, {
  lateral: {
    author: db.selectExactlyOne('authors', { id: db.parent('authorId') }),
    tags:'tags', { bookId: db.parent('id') }),
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("books".*) || jsonb_build_object($1::text, "lateral_author".result, $2::text, "lateral_tags".result) AS result
  FROM "books"
    SELECT to_jsonb ("authors".*) AS result
    FROM "authors"
    WHERE ("id" = "books"."authorId")
  LIMIT $3) AS "lateral_author" ON true
    SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
    FROM (
      SELECT to_jsonb ("tags".*) AS result
      FROM "tags"
      WHERE ("bookId" = "books"."id")) AS "sq_tags") AS "lateral_tags" ON true) AS "sq_books"
["author", "tags", 1]
    "id": 1000,
    "tags": [
        "tag": "His Dark Materials",
        "bookId": 1000
        "tag": "1/3",
        "bookId": 1000
    "title": "Northern Lights",
    "author": {
      "id": 1000,
      "name": "Philip Pullman",
      "isLiving": true
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603082+01:00"
    "id": 1001,
    "tags": [
        "tag": "His Dark Materials",
        "bookId": 1001
        "tag": "2/3",
        "bookId": 1001
    "title": "The Subtle Knife",
    "author": {
      "id": 1000,
      "name": "Philip Pullman",
      "isLiving": true
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603558+01:00"
    "id": 1002,
    "tags": [
        "tag": "His Dark Materials",
        "bookId": 1002
        "tag": "3/3",
        "bookId": 1002
    "title": "The Amber Spyglass",
    "author": {
      "id": 1000,
      "name": "Philip Pullman",
      "isLiving": true
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603732+01:00"
    "id": 1003,
    "tags": [
        "tag": "mystery",
        "bookId": 1003
    "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time",
    "author": {
      "id": 1001,
      "name": "Mark Haddon",
      "isLiving": true
    "authorId": 1001,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605245+01:00"
    "id": 1004,
    "tags": [
        "tag": "adventure",
        "bookId": 1004
    "title": "Holes",
    "author": {
      "id": 1002,
      "name": "Louis Sachar",
      "isLiving": true
    "authorId": 1002,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605559+01:00"

This generates an efficient three-table LATERAL JOIN that returns a nested JSON structure directly from the database. Every nested element is again fully and automatically typed.

Again, you can click ‘Explore types’ above to open the code in an embedded Monaco (VS Code) editor, so you can check those typings for yourself.

We can of course extend this to deeper nesting (e.g. query each author, with their books, with their tags); to self-joins (of a table with itself, e.g. employees to their managers in the same employees table); and to joins on relationships other than foreign keys (e.g. joining the nearest N somethings using the PostGIS <-> distance operator).

Tell me more about nested select queries »


Transaction helper functions assist in managing and retrying transactions.

Transactions are where I’ve found traditional ORMs like TypeORM and Sequelize most footgun-prone. Zapatos is always explicit about what client or pool is running your query — hence that pool argument in all our examples so far.

Zapatos also offers simple transaction helpers that handle issuing a SQL ROLLBACK on error, releasing the database client in a finally clause, and automatically retrying queries in case of serialization failures. There’s one for each isolation level (SERIALIZABLE, REPEATABLE READ, and so on), and they look like this:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const result = await db.serializable(pool, async txnClient => {
  /* queries here use txnClient instead of pool */

For instance, take this bankAccounts table:

CREATE TABLE "bankAccounts" 
, "balance" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK ("balance" >= 0) );

We can use the transaction helpers like so:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const [accountA, accountB] = await db.insert('bankAccounts', 
  [{ balance: 50 }, { balance: 50 }]).run(pool);

const transferMoney = (sendingAccountId: number, receivingAccountId: number, amount: number) =>
  db.serializable(pool, txnClient => Promise.all([
      { balance: db.sql`${db.self} - ${db.param(amount)}` },
      { id: sendingAccountId }).run(txnClient),
      { balance: db.sql`${db.self} + ${db.param(amount)}` },
      { id: receivingAccountId }).run(txnClient),

try {
  const [[updatedAccountA], [updatedAccountB]] = await transferMoney(,, 60);
} catch(err: any) {
  console.log(err.message, '/', err.detail);
INSERT INTO "bankAccounts" ("balance")
  VALUES ($1), ($2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("bankAccounts".*) AS result
[50, 50]
    "id": 1,
    "balance": 50
    "id": 2,
    "balance": 50
Transaction 0
Transaction 0
SET ("balance") = ROW ("balance" - $1)
WHERE ("id" = $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("bankAccounts".*) AS result
[60, 1]
Transaction 0
SET ("balance") = ROW ("balance" + $1)
WHERE ("id" = $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("bankAccounts".*) AS result
[60, 2]
Transaction 0
new row for relation "bankAccounts" violates check constraint "bankAccounts_balance_check" / Failing row contains (1, -10).

Finally, Zapatos provides a set of hierarchical isolation types so that, for example, if you type a txnClient argument to a function as TxnClientForRepeatableRead, you can call it with IsolationLevel.Serializable or IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead but not IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted.

Tell me more about the transaction functions »

Why does it do those things?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that ORMs aren’t very good. JavaScript and TypeScript ORMs are perhaps even worse than the average. One Zapatos user described a popular TypeScript ORM as “full of broken magic under the hood”, which nicely captures what originally motivated me to write this library.

I like SQL, and Postgres especially. In my experience, abstractions that obscure the underlying SQL, or that prioritise ease of switching to another database tomorrow over effective use of this database today, are a source of misery.

I’ve also come to love strongly typed languages, and TypeScript in particular. VS Code’s type checking and autocomplete speed development, prevent bugs, and simplify refactoring. Especially when they just happen, they bring joy. But, traditionally, talking to the database is a place where they really don’t just happen.

Zapatos aims to fix that.

If it interests you, there’s a whole other repository about how Zapatos came about.

What doesn’t it do?

Zapatos doesn’t handle schema migrations. Other tools can help you with this: check out dbmate, for instance.

It also doesn’t manage the connection pool for you, as some ORMs do — mainly because the pg module makes this so easy. For example, my pgPool.ts looks something like this:

import pg from 'pg';

const pool = new pg.Pool({ connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL });
pool.on('error', err => console.error(err));  // don't let a pg restart kill your app

export default pool;

Finally, it won’t tell you how to structure your code: Zapatos doesn’t deal in the ‘model’ classes beloved of traditional ORMs, just (fully-typed) POJOs.

How do I get it?

Install it

First: check your tsconfig.json. You need "strictNullChecks": true or "strict": true (which implies "strictNullChecks": true). Without strictNullChecks, some things just won’t work — namely, the lateral, extras, returning and columns options to the shortcut functions.

Since TypeScript 4.4, it’s also a good idea to set "exactOptionalPropertyTypes": true.

Then install Zapatos with npm:

npm install --save zapatos

Configure it

Add a top-level file zapatosconfig.json to your project. Here’s an example:

  "db": {
    "connectionString": "postgresql://localhost/example_db"
  "outDir": "./src"

These are available top-level keys, all of which are optional:

If not specified, the default value for "schemas" includes all tables in the public schema, i.e.:

"schemas": {
  "public": {
    "include": "*",
    "exclude": []

If you use PostGIS, you’ll likely want to exclude its system tables:

"schemas": {
  "public": {
    "include": "*",
    "exclude": [

For example, say you have a BEFORE INSERT trigger on your customers table that can guess a default value for the gender column based on the value of the title column (though note: don’t do that). In this case, the gender column is actually optional on insert, even if it’s NOT NULL with no default, because the trigger provides a default value. You can tell Zapatos about that like so:

"columnOptions": {
  "customers": {
    "gender": {
      "insert": "optional"

Note that tables outside the public schema (or whichever schema you set for "unprefixedSchema") should be schema-prefixed here, as usual — e.g. "columnOptions": { "someSchema.someTable": /* ... */ } }.

You can also use "*" as a wildcard to match all tables in all schemas. For example, perhaps you’ve set up the appropriate triggers to keep updatedAt columns up to date throughout your database. Then you might choose to exclude all your updatedAt columns from the Insertable and Updatable types for all tables as follows:

"columnOptions": {
  "*": {
    "updatedAt": {
      "insert": "excluded",
      "update": "excluded"

Wildcard table options have lower precedence than named table options. The default values, should you want to restore them for named tables, are "insert": "auto" and "update": "auto". Note that "*" is only supported as the whole key — you can’t use a * to match parts of schema or table names — and isn’t supported for column names.

In summary, the expected structure is defined like so:

export interface OptionalConfig {
  db: pg.ClientConfig;
  outDir: string;
  outExt: string;
  schemas: SchemaRules;
  unprefixedSchema: string | null;
  progressListener: boolean | ((s: string) => void);
  warningListener: boolean | ((s: string) => void);
  customTypesTransform: 'PgMy_type' | 'my_type' | 'PgMyType' | ((s: string) => string);
  columnOptions: ColumnOptions;
  schemaJSDoc: boolean;
  customJSONParsingForLargeNumbers: boolean;

interface SchemaRules {
  [schema: string]: {
    include: '*' | string[];
    exclude: '*' | string[];

interface ColumnOptions {
  [k: string]: {  // table name or '*'
    [k: string]: {  // column name
      insert?: 'auto' | 'excluded' | 'optional';
      update?: 'auto' | 'excluded';

Environment variables

All values in zapatosconfig.json can have environment variables (Node’s process.env.SOMETHING) interpolated via handlebars-style doubly-curly-brackets {{variables}}.

This is likely most useful for the database connection details. For example, on Heroku you might configure your database as:

"db": {
  "connectionString": "{{DATABASE_URL}}"

ESLint / tslint

A general configuration suggestion: set up ESLint with the rules @typescript-eslint/await-thenable and @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises (or the now-deprecated tslint with no-floating-promises and await-promise) to avoid various Promise-related pitfalls.

Generate your schema

Zapatos provides a command line tool. With everything configured, run it like so:

npx zapatos

This generates the TypeScript schema for your database as zapatos/schema.d.ts inside your configured outDir. Any user-defined or domain types encountered get defined within zapatos/custom in their own .d.ts files, which you can subsequently customise.

These files must be included in your TypeScript compilation. That may happen for you automatically, but you may need to check the "include" or "files" keys in tsconfig.json. If you use ts-node or node -r ts-node/register, you may need to change it to ts-node --files or set TS_NODE_FILES=true.

Programmatic generation

As an alternative to the command line tool, it’s also possible to generate the schema programmatically by importing from zapatos/generate. For example:

import * as zg from 'zapatos/generate';

const zapCfg: zg.Config = { db: { connectionString: 'postgres://localhost/mydb' } };
await zg.generate(zapCfg);

Call the generate method with an object structured exactly the same as zapatosconfig.json, documented above, with the following two exceptions:

Custom types and domains

As mentioned previously, any user-defined or domain types encountered during schema generation get defined in their own .d.ts files under zapatos/custom, which you can subsequently customise.

You can use domain types in order to specify custom types on the TypeScript side for certain Postgres columns. Say, for example, that you have a Postgres jsonb column on which you want to impose a particular structure. You could do the following:

CREATE DOMAIN "mySpecialJsonb" AS "jsonb";

Since you’ve done nothing else with this domain, it’s effectively just a simple alias to jsonb on the Postgres side. Now you can use that in place of jsonb in your table definition:

ALTER TABLE "myTable" ALTER COLUMN "myExistingJsonbColumn" TYPE "mySpecialJsonb";

When you next regenerate the TypeScript schema, you’ll find a custom type for PgMySpecialJsonb in zapatos/custom/PgMySpecialJsonb.d.ts, defined like so:

export type PgMySpecialJsonb = db.JSONValue;

You can of course replace this definition with whatever TypeScript type or interface you choose. The file will not be overwritten on future schema generations. For example, perhaps this column holds blog article data:

export interface PgMySpecialJsonb {
  title: string;
  text: string;
  tags: string[];
  version: number;

Import it

In your code, get the core library like so:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';

ESM wrappers are provided, so the import should work the same whether your project is set to use the CommonJS or ESM module specs.

To import your ordinary schema types (myTable.Selectable, myOtherTable.Insertable, etc.):

import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';

Be sure to import type for this, not plain import, or you’ll upset ts-jest and maybe others.

To import any user-defined or domain types:

import type * as c from 'zapatos/custom';

The paths zapatos/db and zapatos/generate point to real folders in node_modules. Although they look like file paths, zapatos/schema and zapatos/custom are actually the names of ambient modules declared in the generated files in your source tree: zapatos/schema.d.ts and zapatos/custom/*.d.ts.

User guide

sql tagged template strings

Arbitrary queries are written using the tagged template function sql, which returns SQLFragment class instances.

The sql function is generic, having two type variables. For example:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';const authors = await db.sql<s.authors.SQL, s.authors.Selectable[]>`
  SELECT * FROM ${"authors"}`.run(pool);
FROM "authors"
    "id": 1000,
    "name": "Philip Pullman",
    "isLiving": true
    "id": 1001,
    "name": "Mark Haddon",
    "isLiving": true
    "id": 1002,
    "name": "Louis Sachar",
    "isLiving": true
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Gabriel Garcia Marquez",
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Douglas Adams",
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Jane Austen",
    "isLiving": false

The first type variable, Interpolations (above: s.authors.SQL), defines allowable interpolation values. If not specified, it defaults to db.SQL: this is the union of all the per-table SQL types, and thus allows all table and column names present in the database as string interpolations (some of which would throw runtime errors in this case).

As another example, imagine we were joining the authors and books tables. Then we could specify s.authors.SQL | s.books.SQL for Interpolations here.

The second type variable, RunResult (above: s.authors.Selectable[]), describes what will be returned if we call run() on the query (after any transformations performed in runResultTransform()), or if we embed it within the extras or lateral query options. Its default value if not specified is any[].

Take another example of these type variables:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const [{ random }] = await db.sql<never, [{ random: number }]>`
  SELECT random()`.run(pool);

SELECT random()
    "random": 0.621588923150834

Interpolations is never because nothing needs to be interpolated in this query, and the RunResult type says that the query will return one row comprising one numeric column, named random. The random TypeScript variable we initialize will of course be typed as a number.

If you’re happy to have your types tied down a little less tightly, it also works to wholly omit the type variables in this particular query, falling back on their defaults:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const [{ random }] = await db.sql`SELECT random()`.run(pool);

In this case, the random variable is of course still a number, but it is typed as any.

sql template interpolation types


The strings that can be directly interpolated into a sql template string are defined by its Interpolations type variable, as noted above. Typically, this will limit them to the names of tables and columns.

Interpolated strings are passed through to the raw SQL query double-quoted, to preserve capitalisation and neutralise SQL keywords. For example, myTable becomes "myTable", and mySchema.myTable becomes "mySchema"."myTable".

It’s highly preferable to use interpolated string literals for table and column names rather than just writing those values in the query itself, in order to benefit from auto-completion and (ongoing) type-checking.

So, for example, do write:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const title = await db.sql`
  SELECT ${"title"} FROM ${"books"} LIMIT 1`.run(pool);

But don’t write

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const title = await db.sql`
  SELECT "title" FROM "books" LIMIT 1`.run(pool);  // no, don't do this

— even if the two produce the same result right now.

More critically, never never never explicitly override type-checking so as to write:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const 
  nameSubmittedByUser = 'books"; DROP TABLE "authors"; --',
  title = await db.sql<any>`
    SELECT * FROM ${nameSubmittedByUser} LIMIT 1`.run(pool);  // NEVER do this!
FROM "books";

DROP TABLE "authors";

--" LIMIT 1
error: cannot drop table authors because other objects depend on it

If you override type-checking to pass untrusted data to Zapatos in unexpected places, such as the above use of any, you can expect successful SQL injection attacks.

(It is safe to pass untrusted data as values in Whereable, Insertable, and Updatable objects, manually by using param, and in certain other places. If you’re in any doubt, double-check that the generated SQL is using $1, $2, … parameters for all potentially untrusted data).

cols() and vals()

The cols and vals wrapper functions (which return ColumnNames and ColumnValues class instances respectively) are intended to help with certain INSERT and SELECT queries.

In the INSERT context, pass them each the same Insertable object: cols is compiled to a comma-separated list of the object’s keys, which are the column names, and vals is compiled to a comma-separated list of SQL placeholders ($1, $2, …) associated with the corresponding values, in matching order. To return to (approximately) an earlier example:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';const
  author: s.authors.Insertable = {
    name: 'Joseph Conrad',
    isLiving: false,
  [insertedAuthor] = await db.sql<s.authors.SQL, s.authors.Selectable[]>`
    INSERT INTO ${"authors"} (${db.cols(author)})
    VALUES (${db.vals(author)}) RETURNING *`.run(pool);
INSERT INTO "authors" ("isLiving", "name")
  VALUES ($1, $2)
[false, "Joseph Conrad"]
    "id": 4,
    "name": "Joseph Conrad",
    "isLiving": false

The cols and vals wrappers can also each take an array instead of an object.

For the cols function, this can help us select only a subset of columns, in conjunction with the OnlyCols type. Pass an array of column names to cols to have them compiled appropriately, as seen in this example:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';// the <const> prevents generalization to string[]
const bookCols = <const>['id', 'title'];
type BookDatum = s.books.OnlyCols<typeof bookCols>;

  bookData = await db.sql<s.books.SQL, BookDatum[]>`
    SELECT ${db.cols(bookCols)} FROM ${"books"}`.run(pool);
SELECT "id", "title"
FROM "books"
    "id": 1000,
    "title": "Northern Lights"
    "id": 1001,
    "title": "The Subtle Knife"
    "id": 1002,
    "title": "The Amber Spyglass"
    "id": 1003,
    "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time"
    "id": 1004,
    "title": "Holes"

For the vals function, this can help with IN (...) queries, such as the following:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';const 
  authorIds = [1, 2, 123],
  authors = await db.sql<s.authors.SQL, s.authors.Selectable[]>` 
    SELECT * FROM ${"authors"} WHERE ${"id"} IN (${db.vals(authorIds)})`.run(pool);
FROM "authors"
WHERE "id" IN ($1, $2, $3)
[1, 2, 123]
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Gabriel Garcia Marquez",
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Douglas Adams",
    "isLiving": false


Any plain JavaScript object interpolated into a sql template string is type-checked as a Whereable, and compiled into one or more conditions joined with AND (but, for flexibility, no WHERE). The object’s keys represent column names, and the corresponding values are automatically compiled as (injection-safe) Parameter instances.

For example:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';const 
  title = 'Northern Lights',
  books = await db.sql<s.books.SQL, s.books.Selectable[]>`
    SELECT * FROM ${"books"} WHERE ${{ title }}`.run(pool);
FROM "books"
WHERE ("title" = $1)
["Northern Lights"]
    "id": 1000,
    "authorId": 1000,
    "title": "Northern Lights",
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T14:22:52.603Z"

(If you need to specify a CAST of a parameter to a specific SQL type, you can also manually wrap Whereable values using param — this is useful primarily when using the shortcut functions).

A Whereable’s values can alternatively be SQLFragments, and this makes them extremely flexible. In a SQLFragment inside a Whereable, the special symbol self can be used to refer to the column name. This arrangement enables us to use any operator or function we want — not just =.

For example:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';const 
  titleLike = 'Northern%',
  books = await db.sql<s.books.SQL, s.books.Selectable[]>`
    SELECT * FROM ${"books"} WHERE ${{ 
      title: db.sql`${db.self} LIKE ${db.param(titleLike)}`,
      createdAt: db.sql`${db.self} > now() - INTERVAL '7 days'`,
FROM "books"
WHERE (("createdAt" > now() - INTERVAL '7 days')
  AND ("title" LIKE $1))
    "id": 1000,
    "authorId": 1000,
    "title": "Northern Lights",
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T14:22:52.603Z"

Finally, there’s a set of helper functions you can use to create appropriate SQLFragments like these for use as Whereable values. The advantages are: (1) there’s slighly less to type, and (2) you get type-checking on their arguments (so you’re not tempted to compare incomparable things).

They’re exported under conditions on the main object, and the full set can be seen in conditions.ts. Using some of these, we could rewrite the above example as:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import { conditions as dc } from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';const 
  titleLike = 'Northern%',
  books = await db.sql<s.books.SQL, s.books.Selectable[]>`
    SELECT * FROM ${"books"} WHERE ${{ 
      createdAt: dc.after(dc.fromNow(-7, 'days')),
FROM "books"
WHERE (("createdAt" > now() + $1)
  AND ("title" LIKE $2))
["-7 days", "Northern%"]
    "id": 1000,
    "authorId": 1000,
    "title": "Northern Lights",
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T14:22:52.603Z"


The use of the self symbol is explained in the section on Whereables.

param(value: any, cast?: boolean | string): Parameter

In general, Zapatos’ type-checking won’t let us pass user-supplied data unsafely into a query by accident. The param wrapper function exists to enable the safe passing of user-supplied data into a query using numbered query parameters ($1, $2, …).

For example:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';const 
  title = 'Pride and Prejudice',
  books = await db.sql<s.books.SQL, s.books.Selectable[]>`
    SELECT * FROM ${"books"} WHERE ${"title"} = ${db.param(title)}`.run(pool);
FROM "books"
WHERE "title" = $1
["Pride and Prejudice"]

This same mechanism is applied automatically when we use a Whereable object (and in this example, using a Whereable would be more readable and more concise). It’s also applied when we use the vals function to create a ColumnValues wrapper object.

The optional second argument to param, cast, allows us to specify a SQL CAST type for the wrapped value. If cast is a string, it’s interpreted as a Postgres type, so param(someValue, 'text') comes out in the compiled query as as CAST($1 TO "text"). If cast is true, the parameter value will be JSON stringified and cast to json, and if cast is false, the parameter will not be JSON stringified or cast to json (regardless, in both cases, of the castArrayParamsToJson and castObjectParamsToJson configuration options).


The Default symbol simply compiles to the SQL DEFAULT keyword. This may be useful in INSERT and UPDATE queries where no value is supplied for one or more of the affected columns.

sql template strings

sql template strings (resulting in SQLFragments) can be interpolated within other sql template strings (SQLFragments). This provides flexibility in building queries programmatically.

For example, the select shortcut makes extensive use of nested sql templates to build its queries:

  rowsQuery = sql<SQL, any>`
    SELECT ${allColsSQL} AS result 
    FROM ${table}${tableAliasSQL}

  // we need the aggregate function, if one's needed, to sit in an outer 
  // query, to keep ORDER and LIMIT working normally in the main query
  query = mode !== SelectResultMode.Many ? rowsQuery :
    sql<SQL, any>`
      SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result 
      FROM (${rowsQuery}) AS ${raw(`"sq_${aliasedTable}"`)}`;


Items in an interpolated array are treated just the same as if they had been interpolated directly. This, again, can be useful for building queries programmatically.

To take the select shortcut as our example again, an interpolated array is used to generate LATERAL JOIN query elements from the lateral option, like so:

  lateralOpt = allOptions.lateral,
  lateralSQL = lateralOpt === undefined ? [] :
    Object.keys(lateralOpt).map(k => {
      const subQ = lateralOpt[k];
      subQ.parentTable = aliasedTable;  // enables `parent()` in subquery's Whereables
      return sql<SQL>` LEFT JOIN LATERAL (${subQ}) AS ${raw(`"cj_${k}"`)} ON true`;

The lateralSQL variable — a SQLFragment[] — is subsequently interpolated into the final query (some additional SQL using jsonb_build_object() is interpolated earlier in that query, to return the result of the lateral subquery alongside the main query columns).

Note that a useful idiom also seen here is the use of the empty array ([]) to conditionally interpolate nothing at all.

raw(value: string): DangerousRawString

The raw function returns DangerousRawString wrapper instances. This represents an escape hatch, enabling us to interpolate arbitrary strings into queries in contexts where the param wrapper is unsuitable (such as when we’re interpolating basic SQL syntax elements). If you pass user-controlled data to this function you will open yourself up to SQL injection attacks.

parent(columnName?: string): ParentColumn

Within queries passed as subqueries to the lateral option of select and related queries, the parent() wrapper can be used to refer to a column of the table that’s the subject of the immediately containing query (the ‘parent’ table).

To refer to a column of the parent table by name, pass a string argument. If the column of the parent table has the same name as the column with which it’s being joined, no argument is required.

For usage details, see the documentation for the lateral option.


SQLFragment<RunResult> class instances are what is returned by the sql tagged template function — you’re unlikely ever to contruct them directly with new. They take on the RunResult type variable from the sql template function that constructs them.

You can interpolate them into other sql tagged template strings, or call/access the following properties on them:

prepared(name: string): this

The prepared function causes a name property to be added to the compiled SQL query object that’s passed to pg, and this instructs Postgres to treat it as a prepared statement. You can specify a prepared statement name as the function’s argument, or let it default to "_zapatos_prepared_N" (where N is a sequence number). This name appears in the Postgres logs.

async run(queryable: Queryable, force = false): Promise<RunResult>

The run function compiles, executes, and returns the transformed result of the query represented by this SQLFragment. The awaited return value is typed according to the SQLFragment’s RunResult type variable.

Taking that one step at a time:

  1. First, the compile function is called, recursively compiling this SQLFragment and its interpolated values into a { text: '', values: [] } query that can be passed straight to the pg module. If a queryListener function has been configured, it is called with the query as its argument now.

  2. Next, the compiled SQL query is executed against the supplied Queryable, which is defined as a pg.Pool or pg.ClientBase (this definition also covers the TxnClient provided by the transaction helper function).

  3. Finally, the result returned from pg is fed through this SQLFragment’s runResultTransform() function, whose default implementation simply returns the rows property of the result. If a resultListener function has been configured, it is called with the transformed result as its argument now.

Examples of the run function are scattered throughout this documentation.

The force parameter is relevant only if this SQLFragment has been marked as a no-op: at present, Zapatos does this automatically if you pass an empty array to insert or upsert. By default, the database will not be disturbed in such cases, but you can force a no-op query to actually be run against the database — perhaps for logging or triggering reasons — by setting force to true.

compile(): SQLQuery

The compile function recursively transforms this SQLFragment and its interpolated values into a SQLQuery object ({ text: string; values: any[]; }) that can be passed straight to the pg module. It is called without arguments (the arguments it can take are for internal use).

For example:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';const 
  authorId = 12,  // from some untrusted source
  query = db.sql<s.books.SQL, s.books.Selectable[]>`
    SELECT * FROM ${"books"} WHERE ${{authorId}}`,
  compiled = query.compile();

  text: '\n    SELECT * FROM "books" WHERE ("authorId" = $1)',
  values: [ 12 ]

You may never need this function. Use it if and when you want to see the SQL that would be executed by the run function, without in fact executing it.

runResultTransform: (qr: pg.QueryResult) => any

When you call run, the function stored in this property is applied to the QueryResult object returned by pg, in order to produce the result that the run function ultimately returns.

By default, the QueryResult’s rows property (which is an array) is returned: that is, the default implementation is just qr => qr.rows. However, the shortcut functions supply their own runResultTransform implementations in order to match their declared RunResult types.

Generally you will not need to call this function directly, but there may be cases where you want to assign a new function to replace the default implementation.

For example, imagine we wanted to create a function returning a query that, when run, returns the current database timestamp directly as a Date. We could do so like this:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';function dbNowQuery() {
  const query = db.sql<never, Date>`SELECT now()`;
  query.runResultTransform = qr => qr.rows[0].now;
  return query;

const dbNow = await dbNowQuery().run(pool);
// dbNow is a Date: the result you can toggle below has come via JSON.stringify
SELECT now()

Note that the RunResult type variable on the sql template function (in this case, Date) must reflect the type of the transformed result, not what comes straight back from pg (which in this case is roughly { rows: [{ now: Date }] }).

If a SQLFragment does not have run called on it directly — for example, if it is instead interpolated into another SQLFragment, or given as the value of the lateral option to the select shortcut — then the runResultTransform function is never applied.

Manual joins using Postgres’ JSON features

We can make use of Postgres’ excellent JSON support to achieve a variety of JOIN queries. That’s not unique to Zapatos, of course, but it may be helpful to consider a few example queries in this context.

Take this example, retrieving each book with its (single) author:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';type bookAuthorSQL = s.books.SQL | s.authors.SQL | "author";
type bookAuthorSelectable = s.books.Selectable & { author: s.authors.Selectable };

const query = db.sql<bookAuthorSQL, bookAuthorSelectable[]>`
  SELECT ${"books"}.*, to_jsonb(${"authors"}.*) as ${"author"}
  FROM ${"books"} JOIN ${"authors"} 
  ON ${"books"}.${"authorId"} = ${"authors"}.${"id"}`;

const bookAuthors = await;
SELECT "books".*, to_jsonb ("authors".*) as "author"
FROM "books"
  JOIN "authors" ON "books"."authorId" = "authors"."id"
    "id": 1000,
    "authorId": 1000,
    "title": "Northern Lights",
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T14:22:52.603Z",
    "author": {
      "id": 1000,
      "name": "Philip Pullman",
      "isLiving": true
    "id": 1001,
    "authorId": 1000,
    "title": "The Subtle Knife",
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T14:22:52.603Z",
    "author": {
      "id": 1000,
      "name": "Philip Pullman",
      "isLiving": true
    "id": 1002,
    "authorId": 1000,
    "title": "The Amber Spyglass",
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T14:22:52.603Z",
    "author": {
      "id": 1000,
      "name": "Philip Pullman",
      "isLiving": true
    "id": 1003,
    "authorId": 1001,
    "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time",
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T14:22:52.605Z",
    "author": {
      "id": 1001,
      "name": "Mark Haddon",
      "isLiving": true
    "id": 1004,
    "authorId": 1002,
    "title": "Holes",
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T14:22:52.605Z",
    "author": {
      "id": 1002,
      "name": "Louis Sachar",
      "isLiving": true

Of course, we might also want the converse query, retrieving each author with their (many) books. This is also easy enough to arrange:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';type authorBooksSQL = s.authors.SQL | s.books.SQL;
type authorBooksSelectable = s.authors.Selectable & { books: s.books.Selectable[] };

const query = db.sql<authorBooksSQL, authorBooksSelectable[]>`
  SELECT ${"authors"}.*, jsonb_agg(${"books"}.*) AS ${"books"}
  FROM ${"authors"} JOIN ${"books"} 
  ON ${"authors"}.${"id"} = ${"books"}.${"authorId"}
  GROUP BY ${"authors"}.${"id"}`;

const authorBooks = await;
SELECT "authors".*, jsonb_agg("books".*) AS "books"
FROM "authors"
  JOIN "books" ON "authors"."id" = "books"."authorId"
GROUP BY "authors"."id"
    "id": 1000,
    "name": "Philip Pullman",
    "isLiving": true,
    "books": [
        "id": 1000,
        "title": "Northern Lights",
        "authorId": 1000,
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603082+01:00"
        "id": 1001,
        "title": "The Subtle Knife",
        "authorId": 1000,
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603558+01:00"
        "id": 1002,
        "title": "The Amber Spyglass",
        "authorId": 1000,
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603732+01:00"
    "id": 1001,
    "name": "Mark Haddon",
    "isLiving": true,
    "books": [
        "id": 1003,
        "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time",
        "authorId": 1001,
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605245+01:00"
    "id": 1002,
    "name": "Louis Sachar",
    "isLiving": true,
    "books": [
        "id": 1004,
        "title": "Holes",
        "authorId": 1002,
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605559+01:00"

Note that if you want to include authors with no books, you need a LEFT JOIN in this query, and then you’ll also want to fix the annoying [null] array results jsonb_agg will return for those authors.

Rather than do it that way, though, we can achieve the same result using a LATERAL JOIN instead:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';type authorBooksSQL = s.authors.SQL | s.books.SQL;
type authorBooksSelectable = s.authors.Selectable & { books: s.books.Selectable[] };

const query = db.sql<authorBooksSQL, authorBooksSelectable[]>`
  SELECT ${"authors"}.*, bq.* 
  FROM ${"authors"} LEFT JOIN LATERAL (
    SELECT coalesce(json_agg(${"books"}.*), '[]') AS ${"books"}
    FROM ${"books"}
    WHERE ${"books"}.${"authorId"} = ${"authors"}.${"id"}
  ) bq ON true`;

const authorBooks = await;
SELECT "authors".*, bq.*
FROM "authors"
    SELECT coalesce(json_agg("books".*), '[]') AS "books"
    FROM "books"
    WHERE "books"."authorId" = "authors"."id") bq ON true
    "id": 1000,
    "name": "Philip Pullman",
    "isLiving": true,
    "books": [
        "id": 1000,
        "authorId": 1000,
        "title": "Northern Lights",
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603082+01:00"
        "id": 1001,
        "authorId": 1000,
        "title": "The Subtle Knife",
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603558+01:00"
        "id": 1002,
        "authorId": 1000,
        "title": "The Amber Spyglass",
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603732+01:00"
    "id": 1001,
    "name": "Mark Haddon",
    "isLiving": true,
    "books": [
        "id": 1003,
        "authorId": 1001,
        "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time",
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605245+01:00"
    "id": 1002,
    "name": "Louis Sachar",
    "isLiving": true,
    "books": [
        "id": 1004,
        "authorId": 1002,
        "title": "Holes",
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605559+01:00"
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Gabriel Garcia Marquez",
    "isLiving": false,
    "books": []
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Douglas Adams",
    "isLiving": false,
    "books": []
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Jane Austen",
    "isLiving": false,
    "books": []
    "id": 4,
    "name": "Joseph Conrad",
    "isLiving": false,
    "books": []

Lateral joins of this sort are very flexible, and can be nested multiple levels deep — but can quickly become quite hairy in that case. The select shortcut function and its lateral option can make this much less painful.

Shortcut functions and lateral joins

A key contribution of Zapatos is a set of simple shortcut functions that make everyday CRUD queries extremely easy to work with. Furthermore, the select shortcut can be nested in order to generate LATERAL JOIN queries, resulting in arbitrarily complex nested JSON structures with inputs and outputs that are still fully and automatically typed.

The shortcut functions make heavy use of Postgres’ JSON support, and their return values are thus JSONSelectables rather than the plain Selectables you’d get back from a manual query.


The insert shortcut inserts one or more rows in a table, and returns them with any DEFAULT or generated values filled in. It takes a Table name and the corresponding Insertable or Insertable[], and returns the corresponding JSONSelectable or JSONSelectable[] (subject to the options described below).

The optional options argument has two keys.

(Note that type inference can only do the right thing with returning and extras when strictNullChecks are enabled).

For example:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';const 
  // insert one
  steve = await db.insert('authors', { 
    name: 'Steven Hawking', 
    isLiving: false,

  // insert many
  [time, me] = await db.insert('books', [{ 
    title: 'A Brief History of Time',
    createdAt: db.sql`now()`,
  }, { 
    title: 'My Brief History',
    createdAt: db.sql`now()`,

  tags = await db.insert('tags', [
    { bookId:, tag: 'physics' },
    { bookId:, tag: 'physicist' },
    { bookId:, tag: 'autobiography' },

  // insert with custom return values
  nutshell = await db.insert('books', { 
    title: 'The Universe in a Nutshell',
    createdAt: db.sql`now()`,
  }, {
    returning: ['id'],
    extras: { 
      aliasedTitle: "title",
      upperTitle: db.sql<s.books.SQL, string | null>`upper(${"title"})`,
INSERT INTO "authors" ("isLiving", "name")
  VALUES ($1, $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("authors".*) AS result
[false, "Steven Hawking"]
  "id": 5,
  "name": "Steven Hawking",
  "isLiving": false
INSERT INTO "books" ("authorId", "createdAt", "title")
  VALUES ($1, now(), $2), ($3, now(), $4)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("books".*) AS result
[5, "A Brief History of Time", 5, "My Brief History"]
    "id": 1,
    "title": "A Brief History of Time",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
    "id": 2,
    "title": "My Brief History",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
INSERT INTO "tags" ("bookId", "tag")
  VALUES ($1, $2), ($3, $4), ($5, $6)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("tags".*) AS result
[1, "physics", 2, "physicist", 2, "autobiography"]
    "tag": "physics",
    "bookId": 1
    "tag": "physicist",
    "bookId": 2
    "tag": "autobiography",
    "bookId": 2
INSERT INTO "books" ("authorId", "createdAt", "title")
  VALUES ($1, now(), $2)
RETURNING jsonb_build_object($3::text, "id") || jsonb_build_object($4::text, "title", $5::text, upper("title")) AS result
[5, "The Universe in a Nutshell", "id", "aliasedTitle", "upperTitle"]
  "id": 3,
  "aliasedTitle": "The Universe in a Nutshell"

You’ll note that Insertables can take SQLFragment values (from the sql tagged template function) as well as direct values (strings, numbers, and so on).

Postgres can accept up to 65,536 parameters per query (since an Int16 is used to convey the number of parameters in the Bind message of the wire protocol). If there’s a risk that a multiple-row INSERT could have more inserted values than that, you’ll need a mechanism to batch them up into separate calls.

If you provide an empty array to insert, this is identified as a no-op, and the database will not actually be queried unless you set the force option on run to true.

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';await db.insert("authors", []).run(pool);  // never reaches DB
await db.insert("authors", []).run(pool, true);  // does reach DB, for same result
/* marked no-op: won't hit DB unless forced -> */
INSERT INTO "authors"
WHERE false
/* marked no-op: won't hit DB unless forced -> */
INSERT INTO "authors"
WHERE false


The update shortcut updates rows in the database. It takes a Table name and a corresponding Updatable and Whereable in that order, matching their order in the raw SQL query.

It returns a JSONSelectable[], listing every column of every row affected (or a subset or superset of those columns, if you use the returning and/or extras options, which work just as described above for insert).

For example, when we discover with that we’ve mis-spelled a famous physicist’s name, we can do this:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';await db.update('authors', 
  { name: 'Stephen Hawking' },
  { name: 'Steven Hawking' }
SET ("name") = ROW ($1)
WHERE ("name" = $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("authors".*) AS result
["Stephen Hawking", "Steven Hawking"]
    "id": 5,
    "name": "Stephen Hawking",
    "isLiving": false

Like Insertable values, Updatable values can also be SQLFragments. For instance, take a table such as the following:

CREATE TABLE "emailAuthentication" 
( "email" citext PRIMARY KEY
, "consecutiveFailedLogins" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
, "lastFailedLogin" TIMESTAMPTZ );

To atomically increment the consecutiveFailedLogins value, we can do something like this:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import { conditions as dc } from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';await db.update("emailAuthentication", { 
  consecutiveFailedLogins: db.sql`${db.self} + 1`,  
  // or equivalently: consecutiveFailedLogins: dc.add(1),
  lastFailedLogin: db.sql`now()`,
  // or equivalently: lastFailedLogin:,
}, { email: '' }).run(pool);
SET ("consecutiveFailedLogins", "lastFailedLogin") = ROW ("consecutiveFailedLogins" + 1, now())
WHERE ("email" = $1)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("emailAuthentication".*) AS result
    "email": "",
    "lastFailedLogin": "2024-06-23T15:24:11.210042+01:00",
    "consecutiveFailedLogins": 1


The upsert shortcut issues an INSERT ... ON CONFLICT ... query. Like insert, it takes a Table name and a corresponding Insertable or Insertable[].

It then takes, in addition, a column name (or an array thereof) or an appropriate unique index as the conflict target: the ‘arbiter index(es)’ on which a conflict is to be detected.

It returns an UpsertReturnable or UpsertReturnable[]. An UpsertReturnable is the same as a JSONSelectable except that it includes one additional property, $action, taking the string 'INSERT' or 'UPDATE' so as to indicate which eventuality occurred for each row.

Let’s say we have a table of app subscription transactions:

CREATE TABLE "appleTransactions" 
( "environment" "appleEnvironment" NOT NULL  -- enum: 'PROD' or 'Sandbox'
, "originalTransactionId" TEXT NOT NULL
, "accountId" INTEGER REFERENCES "accounts"("id") NOT NULL
, "latestReceiptData" TEXT );

ALTER TABLE "appleTransactions" ADD CONSTRAINT "appleTransactionsPrimaryKey" 
  PRIMARY KEY ("environment", "originalTransactionId");

When we receive a purchase receipt, we need to either store a new record or update an existing record for each distinct (environment, originalTransactionId) it contains.

We can map the transaction data in the receipt into an appleTransactions.Insertable[], and do what’s needed with a single upsert call. In this example, though, we hard-code the Insertable[] for ease of exposition:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';const 
  newTransactions: s.appleTransactions.Insertable[] = [{
    environment: 'PROD',
    originalTransactionId: '123456',
    accountId: 123,
    latestReceiptData: 'TWFuIGlzIGRpc3Rp',
  }, {
    environment: 'PROD',
    originalTransactionId: '234567',
    accountId: 234,
    latestReceiptData: 'bmd1aXNoZWQsIG5v',
  result = await db.upsert('appleTransactions', newTransactions, 
    ['environment', 'originalTransactionId']).run(pool);
INSERT INTO "appleTransactions" ("accountId", "environment", "latestReceiptData", "originalTransactionId")
  VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4), ($5, $6, $7, $8)
ON CONFLICT ("environment", "originalTransactionId")
    ("environment", "originalTransactionId", "accountId", "latestReceiptData") = ROW (EXCLUDED. "environment", EXCLUDED. "originalTransactionId", EXCLUDED. "accountId", EXCLUDED. "latestReceiptData")
  RETURNING to_jsonb ("appleTransactions".*) || jsonb_build_object('$action', CASE xmax
      WHEN 0 THEN
      END) AS result
[123, "PROD", "TWFuIGlzIGRpc3Rp", "123456", 234, "PROD", "bmd1aXNoZWQsIG5v", "234567"]
    "$action": "UPDATE",
    "accountId": 123,
    "environment": "PROD",
    "latestReceiptData": "TWFuIGlzIGRpc3Rp",
    "originalTransactionId": "123456"
    "$action": "INSERT",
    "accountId": 234,
    "environment": "PROD",
    "latestReceiptData": "bmd1aXNoZWQsIG5v",
    "originalTransactionId": "234567"

And it’s wholly equivalent here to use the unique index name instead of the column names for the conflict target, by using the constraint wrapper function:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';const 
  anotherNewTransaction: s.appleTransactions.Insertable = {
    environment: 'PROD',
    originalTransactionId: '345678',
    accountId: 345,
    latestReceiptData: 'lALvEleO4Ehwk3T5',
  result = await db.upsert('appleTransactions', anotherNewTransaction, 
INSERT INTO "appleTransactions" ("accountId", "environment", "latestReceiptData", "originalTransactionId")
  VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)
ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT "appleTransactionsPrimaryKey"
    ("environment", "originalTransactionId", "accountId", "latestReceiptData") = ROW (EXCLUDED. "environment", EXCLUDED. "originalTransactionId", EXCLUDED. "accountId", EXCLUDED. "latestReceiptData")
  RETURNING to_jsonb ("appleTransactions".*) || jsonb_build_object('$action', CASE xmax
      WHEN 0 THEN
      END) AS result
[345, "PROD", "lALvEleO4Ehwk3T5", "345678"]
  "$action": "INSERT",
  "accountId": 345,
  "environment": "PROD",
  "latestReceiptData": "lALvEleO4Ehwk3T5",
  "originalTransactionId": "345678"

The same as for insert, an empty array provided to upsert is identified as a no-op, and the database will not actually be queried unless you set the force option on run to true.

upsert options

The optional fourth argument to upsert is an options object. The available options are returning and extras (see the documentation for insert for details) plus updateColumns, noNullUpdateColumns, updateValues and reportAction.


A special case arises if you pass the empty array [] to the updateColumns option of upsert.

Since no columns are then to be updated in case of a conflict, an ON CONFLICT ... DO NOTHING query is generated instead of an ON CONFLICT ... DO UPDATE ... query. For better self-documenting code, an alias for the empty array is provided for this case: doNothing.

Since nothing is returned by Postgres for any DO NOTHING cases, a query with updateColumns: [] or updateColumns: db.doNothing may return fewer rows than were passed in. If you pass in an array, you could get back an empty array if all rows conflict with existing rows. If you pass in values of a single row, you’ll get back undefined if a conflict occurs (and the return type will automatically reflect this).

For example:

CREATE TABLE "usedVoucherCodes" 
( "code" text PRIMARY KEY
, "redeemedAt" timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';// unused code: returns the inserted row
const a = await db.upsert('usedVoucherCodes', 
  { code: 'XYE953ZVU767' }, 'code', 
  { updateColumns: db.doNothing }).run(pool);

// same code, already used: returns undefined
const b = await db.upsert('usedVoucherCodes', 
  { code: 'XYE953ZVU767' }, 'code', 
  { updateColumns: db.doNothing }).run(pool);
INSERT INTO "usedVoucherCodes" ("code")
  VALUES ($1)
ON CONFLICT ("code")
RETURNING to_jsonb ("usedVoucherCodes".*) || jsonb_build_object('$action', CASE xmax
    END) AS result
  "code": "XYE953ZVU767",
  "$action": "INSERT",
  "redeemedAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:11.733317+01:00"
INSERT INTO "usedVoucherCodes" ("code")
  VALUES ($1)
ON CONFLICT ("code")
RETURNING to_jsonb ("usedVoucherCodes".*) || jsonb_build_object('$action', CASE xmax
    END) AS result

You can use the updateValues option to specify alternative column values to be used in the UPDATE branch of the query. Only one set of values can be provided: these will be used for any and all rows that get updated.

This may be useful, for example, when keeping a count, using a table such as this:

CREATE TABLE "nameCounts" 
( "name" text PRIMARY KEY
, "count" integer NOT NULL

In the following query, we insert a new value with a count of 1 if a name doesn’t already exist in the table. If a name does exist, we increment the existing count instead:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
  await db.upsert('nameCounts',
    { name: 'Alice', count: 1 }, 'name',
    { updateValues: { count: db.sql`${"nameCounts"}.${"count"} + 1` } }
INSERT INTO "nameCounts" ("count", "name")
  VALUES ($1, $2)
ON CONFLICT ("name")
    ("name", "count") = ROW (EXCLUDED. "name", "nameCounts"."count" + 1)
  RETURNING to_jsonb ("nameCounts".*) || jsonb_build_object('$action', CASE xmax
      WHEN 0 THEN
      END) AS result
[1, "Alice"]
  "name": "Alice",
  "count": 1,
  "$action": "INSERT"
INSERT INTO "nameCounts" ("count", "name")
  VALUES ($1, $2)
ON CONFLICT ("name")
    ("name", "count") = ROW (EXCLUDED. "name", "nameCounts"."count" + 1)
  RETURNING to_jsonb ("nameCounts".*) || jsonb_build_object('$action', CASE xmax
      WHEN 0 THEN
      END) AS result
[1, "Alice"]
  "name": "Alice",
  "count": 2,
  "$action": "UPDATE"


The deletes shortcut, unsurprisingly, deletes rows from a table (delete, unfortunately, is a JavaScript reserved word). It takes the table name and an appropriate Whereable or SQLFragment, and by default returns the deleted rows as a JSONSelectable.

Again, you can narrow or broaden what’s returned with the returning and extras options, as documented above for insert.

For example:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';await db.deletes('books', { title: 'Holes' }, { returning: ['id'] }).run(pool);
WHERE ("title" = $1)
RETURNING jsonb_build_object($2::text, "id") AS result
["Holes", "id"]
    "id": 1004


The truncate shortcut truncates one or more tables. It takes a Table name or a Table[] name array, and (optionally) the options 'CONTINUE IDENTITY'/'RESTART IDENTITY' and/or 'RESTRICT'/'CASCADE'.

For instance:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';await db.truncate('bankAccounts').run(pool);
TRUNCATE "bankAccounts"

One context in which this may be useful is in emptying a testing database at the start of each test run.

First, we list all our tables. Zapatos provides some utility types such as AllBaseTables, to help ensure that we don’t forget any:

import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';const allTables: s.AllBaseTables = [

We can then empty the database like so:

await db.truncate(allTables, 'CASCADE').run(pool);

select, selectOne, and selectExactlyOne

The select shortcut function, in its basic form, takes a Table name and some WHERE conditions, and returns a SQLFragment<JSONSelectable[]>. Those WHERE conditions can be the symbol all (meaning: no conditions), a SQLFragment from a sql template string, or the appropriate Whereable for the target table (recall that a Whereable can itself contain SQLFragment values).

selectOne does the same, except that it gives us a SQLFragment<JSONSelectable | undefined>, promising only a single object (or undefined) when run.

selectExactlyOne function does the same as selectOne, except that it eliminates the undefined case (to give: SQLFragment<JSONSelectable>). Instead, it will throw an error (with a helpful query property) if it doesn’t find a row.

In use, they look like this:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';// select, no WHERE clause
const allBooks = await'books', db.all).run(pool);
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("books".*) AS result
  FROM "books") AS "sq_books"
    "id": 1000,
    "title": "Northern Lights",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603082+01:00"
    "id": 1001,
    "title": "The Subtle Knife",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603558+01:00"
    "id": 1002,
    "title": "The Amber Spyglass",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603732+01:00"
    "id": 1003,
    "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time",
    "authorId": 1001,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605245+01:00"
    "id": 1,
    "title": "A Brief History of Time",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
    "id": 2,
    "title": "My Brief History",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
    "id": 3,
    "title": "The Universe in a Nutshell",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.467708+01:00"
import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';// select, Whereable
const authorBooks = await'books', { authorId: 1000 }).run(pool);
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("books".*) AS result
  FROM "books"
  WHERE ("authorId" = $1)) AS "sq_books"
    "id": 1000,
    "title": "Northern Lights",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603082+01:00"
    "id": 1001,
    "title": "The Subtle Knife",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603558+01:00"
    "id": 1002,
    "title": "The Amber Spyglass",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603732+01:00"
import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';// selectOne (since is a primary key), Whereable
const oneAuthor = await db.selectOne('authors', { id: 1000 }).run(pool);
SELECT to_jsonb ("authors".*) AS result
FROM "authors"
WHERE ("id" = $1)
[1000, 1]
  "id": 1000,
  "name": "Philip Pullman",
  "isLiving": true
import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';// selectExactlyOne, Whereable
// (for a more useful example, see the section on `lateral`, below)
try {
  const exactlyOneAuthor = await db.selectExactlyOne('authors', { id: 999 }).run(pool);
  // ... do something with this author ...

} catch (err: any) {
  if (err instanceof db.NotExactlyOneError) console.log(`${}: ${err.message}`);
  else throw err;
SELECT to_jsonb ("authors".*) AS result
FROM "authors"
WHERE ("id" = $1)
[999, 1]
NotExactlyOneError: One result expected but none returned (hint: check `.query.compile()` on this Error)
import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';// select, Whereable with embedded SQLFragment
const recentAuthorBooks = await'books', { 
  authorId: 1001,
  createdAt: db.sql`${db.self} > now() - INTERVAL '7 days'`,
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("books".*) AS result
  FROM "books"
  WHERE ("authorId" = $1
    AND ("createdAt" > now() - INTERVAL '7 days'))) AS "sq_books"
    "id": 1003,
    "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time",
    "authorId": 1001,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605245+01:00"
import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import { conditions as dc } from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';// select, Whereables with conditions helpers
const alsoRecentAuthorBooks = await'books', {
  authorId: 1001,
  createdAt: dc.after(dc.fromNow(-7, 'days')),
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("books".*) AS result
  FROM "books"
  WHERE ("authorId" = $1
    AND ("createdAt" > now() + $2))) AS "sq_books"
[1001, "-7 days"]
    "id": 1003,
    "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time",
    "authorId": 1001,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605245+01:00"
import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';// select, SQLFragment with embedded Whereables
const anOddSelectionOfBooksToDemonstrateAnOrCondition = await'books', 
  db.sql<s.books.SQL>`${{ id: 1 }} OR ${{ authorId: 2 }}`
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("books".*) AS result
  FROM "books"
  WHERE ("id" = $1)
  OR ("authorId" = $2)) AS "sq_books"
[1, 2]
    "id": 1,
    "title": "A Brief History of Time",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"

Similar to our earlier shortcut examples, once I’ve typed in 'books' or 'authors' as the first argument to the function, TypeScript and VS Code know both how to type-check and auto-complete both the WHERE argument and the type that will returned by run.

The select and selectOne shortcuts can also take an options object as their third argument, which has a large set of potential keys: columns, order, limit, offset, lateral, alias, extras, groupBy, having, distinct and lock.


The columns key specifies that we want to return only a subset of columns, perhaps for reasons of efficiency. It takes an array of Column names for the appropriate table, and works in just the same way as the returning option on the other query types. For example:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const bookTitles = await'books', db.all, 
  { columns: ['title'] }).run(pool);
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT jsonb_build_object($1::text, "title") AS result
  FROM "books") AS "sq_books"
    "title": "Northern Lights"
    "title": "The Subtle Knife"
    "title": "The Amber Spyglass"
    "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time"
    "title": "A Brief History of Time"
    "title": "My Brief History"
    "title": "The Universe in a Nutshell"

The return type is of course appropriately narrowed to the requested columns only, so VS Code will complain if we now try to access bookTitles[0].authorId, for example. (Note: this works only when strictNullChecks are in operation).

The columns option does not enable column aliasing — i.e. you can’t use it to do SELECT "column" AS "aliasedColumn" or its equivalent — but column aliasing is easily achieved using the extras option instead.

order, limit and offset

The limit and offset options each take a number and pass it directly through to SQL LIMIT and OFFSET clauses. The order option takes a single OrderSpecForTable or an OrderSpecForTable[] array, which has this shape:

interface OrderSpecForTable<T extends Table> {
  by: SQLForTable<T>;
  direction: 'ASC' | 'DESC';
  nulls?: 'FIRST' | 'LAST';

Putting them together gives us queries like this:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const [lastButOneBook] = await'books', db.all, { 
  order: { by: 'createdAt', direction: 'DESC' }, 
  limit: 1, 
  offset: 1,
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("books".*) AS result
  FROM "books"
  ORDER BY "createdAt" DESC
  LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2) AS "sq_books"
[1, 1]
    "id": 1,
    "title": "A Brief History of Time",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"

I used destructuring assignment here (const [lastButOneBook] = /* ... */;) to account for the fact that I know this query is only going to return one response. Unfortunately, destructuring is just syntactic sugar for indexing, and indexing in TypeScript doesn’t reflect that the result may be undefined unless you have --noUncheckedIndexedAccess turned on. That means that lastButOneBook is now typed as a JSONSelectable, but it could actually be undefined, and that could lead to errors down the line.

To fix this, we can use the selectOne function instead, which turns the example above into the following:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const lastButOneBook = await db.selectOne('books', db.all, {
  order: [{ by: 'createdAt', direction: 'DESC' }], 
  offset: 1 
SELECT to_jsonb ("books".*) AS result
FROM "books"
ORDER BY "createdAt" DESC
[1, 1]
  "id": 1,
  "title": "A Brief History of Time",
  "authorId": 5,
  "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"

The { limit: 1 } option is now applied automatically. And the return type following await needs no destructuring and is now, correctly, JSONSelectable | undefined.

lateral and alias

Earlier we put together some big LATERAL joins of authors and books. This was a powerful and satisfying application of Postgres’ JSON support … but also a bit of an eyesore, heavy on both punctuation and manually constructed and applied types.

We can improve on this. Since SQLFragments are already designed to contain other SQLFragments, it’s a pretty small leap to enable select calls to be nested inside other select calls in order to significantly simplify this kind of LATERAL join query.

We achieve this with an additional options key, lateral. This lateral key takes either a single nested query shortcut, or an object that maps one or more property names to query shortcuts.

lateral property maps

Let’s deal with the latter case — the map of property names to query shortcuts — first. It allows us to write an even bigger join (of books, each with their author and tags) like so:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const booksAuthorTags = await'books', db.all, {
  lateral: {
    author: db.selectExactlyOne('authors', { id: db.parent('authorId') }),
    tags:'tags', { bookId: db.parent('id') }),
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("books".*) || jsonb_build_object($1::text, "lateral_author".result, $2::text, "lateral_tags".result) AS result
  FROM "books"
    SELECT to_jsonb ("authors".*) AS result
    FROM "authors"
    WHERE ("id" = "books"."authorId")
  LIMIT $3) AS "lateral_author" ON true
    SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
    FROM (
      SELECT to_jsonb ("tags".*) AS result
      FROM "tags"
      WHERE ("bookId" = "books"."id")) AS "sq_tags") AS "lateral_tags" ON true) AS "sq_books"
["author", "tags", 1]
    "id": 1000,
    "tags": [
        "tag": "His Dark Materials",
        "bookId": 1000
        "tag": "1/3",
        "bookId": 1000
    "title": "Northern Lights",
    "author": {
      "id": 1000,
      "name": "Philip Pullman",
      "isLiving": true
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603082+01:00"
    "id": 1001,
    "tags": [
        "tag": "His Dark Materials",
        "bookId": 1001
        "tag": "2/3",
        "bookId": 1001
    "title": "The Subtle Knife",
    "author": {
      "id": 1000,
      "name": "Philip Pullman",
      "isLiving": true
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603558+01:00"
    "id": 1002,
    "tags": [
        "tag": "His Dark Materials",
        "bookId": 1002
        "tag": "3/3",
        "bookId": 1002
    "title": "The Amber Spyglass",
    "author": {
      "id": 1000,
      "name": "Philip Pullman",
      "isLiving": true
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603732+01:00"
    "id": 1003,
    "tags": [
        "tag": "mystery",
        "bookId": 1003
    "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time",
    "author": {
      "id": 1001,
      "name": "Mark Haddon",
      "isLiving": true
    "authorId": 1001,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605245+01:00"
    "id": 1,
    "tags": [
        "tag": "physics",
        "bookId": 1
    "title": "A Brief History of Time",
    "author": {
      "id": 5,
      "name": "Stephen Hawking",
      "isLiving": false
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
    "id": 2,
    "tags": [
        "tag": "physicist",
        "bookId": 2
        "tag": "autobiography",
        "bookId": 2
    "title": "My Brief History",
    "author": {
      "id": 5,
      "name": "Stephen Hawking",
      "isLiving": false
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
    "id": 3,
    "tags": [],
    "title": "The Universe in a Nutshell",
    "author": {
      "id": 5,
      "name": "Stephen Hawking",
      "isLiving": false
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.467708+01:00"

The result here is a books.JSONSelectable, augmented with both an author property (containing an authors.JSONSelectable) and a tags property (containing a tags.JSONSelectable[] array).

Note that we use selectExactlyOne in the nested author query because a book’s authorId is defined as NOT NULL REFERENCES "authors"("id"), and we can therefore be 100% certain that we’ll get back a row here.

We could of course turn this around, nesting more deeply to retrieve authors, each with their books, each with their tags:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const authorsBooksTags = await'authors', db.all, {
  lateral: {
    books:'books', { authorId: db.parent('id') }, {
      lateral: {
        tags:'tags', { bookId: db.parent('id') }, { columns: ['tag'] })
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("authors".*) || jsonb_build_object($1::text, "lateral_books".result) AS result
  FROM "authors"
    SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
    FROM (
      SELECT to_jsonb ("books".*) || jsonb_build_object($2::text, "lateral_tags".result) AS result
      FROM "books"
          SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
          FROM (
            SELECT jsonb_build_object($3::text, "tag") AS result
            FROM "tags"
            WHERE ("bookId" = "books"."id")) AS "sq_tags") AS "lateral_tags" ON true
      WHERE ("authorId" = "authors"."id")) AS "sq_books") AS "lateral_books" ON true) AS "sq_authors"
["books", "tags", "tag"]
    "id": 1000,
    "name": "Philip Pullman",
    "books": [
        "id": 1000,
        "tags": [
            "tag": "His Dark Materials"
            "tag": "1/3"
        "title": "Northern Lights",
        "authorId": 1000,
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603082+01:00"
        "id": 1001,
        "tags": [
            "tag": "His Dark Materials"
            "tag": "2/3"
        "title": "The Subtle Knife",
        "authorId": 1000,
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603558+01:00"
        "id": 1002,
        "tags": [
            "tag": "His Dark Materials"
            "tag": "3/3"
        "title": "The Amber Spyglass",
        "authorId": 1000,
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603732+01:00"
    "isLiving": true
    "id": 1001,
    "name": "Mark Haddon",
    "books": [
        "id": 1003,
        "tags": [
            "tag": "mystery"
        "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time",
        "authorId": 1001,
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605245+01:00"
    "isLiving": true
    "id": 1002,
    "name": "Louis Sachar",
    "books": [],
    "isLiving": true
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Gabriel Garcia Marquez",
    "books": [],
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Douglas Adams",
    "books": [],
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Jane Austen",
    "books": [],
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 4,
    "name": "Joseph Conrad",
    "books": [],
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 5,
    "name": "Stephen Hawking",
    "books": [
        "id": 1,
        "tags": [
            "tag": "physics"
        "title": "A Brief History of Time",
        "authorId": 5,
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
        "id": 2,
        "tags": [
            "tag": "physicist"
            "tag": "autobiography"
        "title": "My Brief History",
        "authorId": 5,
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
        "id": 3,
        "tags": [],
        "title": "The Universe in a Nutshell",
        "authorId": 5,
        "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.467708+01:00"
    "isLiving": false

You’ll note the use of the parent function to refer to a join column in the table of the containing query. This is a simple convenience: in the join of books to authors above, we could just as well formulate the Whereable as:

{ authorId: sql`${"authors"}.${"id"}` }

We can also nest aggregate calls such as count. And we can join a table to itself, though in that case we must remember to use the alias option to define an alternative table name, resolving ambiguity for Postgres.

Take this new, self-referencing table:

CREATE TABLE "employees"
, "name" TEXT NOT NULL
, "managerId" INTEGER REFERENCES "employees"("id") );

Add some employees:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const
  anna = await db.insert('employees', 
    { name: 'Anna' }).run(pool),
  [beth, charlie] = await db.insert('employees', [
    { name: 'Beth', managerId: },
    { name: 'Charlie', managerId: },
  dougal = await db.insert('employees', 
    { name: 'Dougal', managerId: }).run(pool);
INSERT INTO "employees" ("name")
  VALUES ($1)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("employees".*) AS result
  "id": 1,
  "name": "Anna",
  "managerId": null
INSERT INTO "employees" ("managerId", "name")
  VALUES ($1, $2), ($3, $4)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("employees".*) AS result
[1, "Beth", 1, "Charlie"]
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Beth",
    "managerId": 1
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Charlie",
    "managerId": 1
INSERT INTO "employees" ("managerId", "name")
  VALUES ($1, $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("employees".*) AS result
[2, "Dougal"]
  "id": 4,
  "name": "Dougal",
  "managerId": 2

Then query for a summary (joining the table to itself twice, with appropriate aliasing):

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const people = await'employees', db.all, {
  columns: ['name'], 
  lateral: {
    lineManager: db.selectOne('employees', { id: db.parent('managerId') },
      { alias: 'managers', columns: ['name'] }),
    directReports: db.count('employees', { managerId: db.parent('id') },
      { alias: 'reports' }),
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT jsonb_build_object($1::text, "name") || jsonb_build_object($2::text, "lateral_directReports".result, $3::text, "lateral_lineManager".result) AS result
  FROM "employees"
    SELECT count("reports".*) AS result
    FROM "employees" AS "reports"
    WHERE ("managerId" = "employees"."id")) AS "lateral_directReports" ON true
    SELECT jsonb_build_object($4::text, "name") AS result
    FROM "employees" AS "managers"
    WHERE ("id" = "employees"."managerId")
  LIMIT $5) AS "lateral_lineManager" ON true) AS "sq_employees"
["name", "directReports", "lineManager", "name", 1]
    "name": "Anna",
    "lineManager": null,
    "directReports": 2
    "name": "Beth",
    "lineManager": {
      "name": "Anna"
    "directReports": 1
    "name": "Charlie",
    "lineManager": {
      "name": "Anna"
    "directReports": 0
    "name": "Dougal",
    "lineManager": {
      "name": "Beth"
    "directReports": 0

As usual, this is fully typed. If, for example, you were to forget that directReports is a count rather than an array of employees, VS Code would soon disabuse you.

lateral pass-through

As previously mentioned, the lateral key can also take a single nested query shortcut. In this case, the result of the lateral query is promoted and passed directly through as the result of the parent query. This can be helpful when working with many-to-many relationships between tables.

For instance, let’s say we’ve got two tables, photos and subjects, where subjects holds data on the people who appear in the photos. This is a many-to-many relationship, since a photo can have many subjects and a subject can be in many photos. We model it with a third table, subjectPhotos.

Here are the tables:

CREATE TABLE "photos" 
, "url" text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE "subjects"
, "name" text NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE "subjectPhotos"
( "subjectId" int NOT NULL REFERENCES "subjects"("subjectId")
, "photoId" int NOT NULL REFERENCES "photos"("photoId")
, CONSTRAINT "userPhotosUnique" UNIQUE ("subjectId", "photoId")

Insert some data:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const
  [alice, bobby, cathy] = await db.insert('subjects', [
    { name: 'Alice' }, { name: 'Bobby' }, { name: 'Cathy' },
  [photo1, photo2, photo3] = await db.insert('photos', [
    { url: 'photo1.jpg' }, { url: 'photo2.jpg' }, { url: 'photo3.jpg' },

await db.insert('subjectPhotos', [
  { subjectId: alice.subjectId, photoId: photo1.photoId },
  { subjectId: alice.subjectId, photoId: photo2.photoId },
  { subjectId: bobby.subjectId, photoId: photo2.photoId },
  { subjectId: cathy.subjectId, photoId: photo1.photoId },
  { subjectId: cathy.subjectId, photoId: photo3.photoId },
INSERT INTO "subjects" ("name")
  VALUES ($1), ($2), ($3)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("subjects".*) AS result
["Alice", "Bobby", "Cathy"]
    "name": "Alice",
    "subjectId": 1
    "name": "Bobby",
    "subjectId": 2
    "name": "Cathy",
    "subjectId": 3
INSERT INTO "photos" ("url")
  VALUES ($1), ($2), ($3)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("photos".*) AS result
["photo1.jpg", "photo2.jpg", "photo3.jpg"]
    "url": "photo1.jpg",
    "photoId": 1
    "url": "photo2.jpg",
    "photoId": 2
    "url": "photo3.jpg",
    "photoId": 3
INSERT INTO "subjectPhotos" ("photoId", "subjectId")
  VALUES ($1, $2), ($3, $4), ($5, $6), ($7, $8), ($9, $10)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("subjectPhotos".*) AS result
[1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3]
    "photoId": 1,
    "subjectId": 1
    "photoId": 2,
    "subjectId": 1
    "photoId": 2,
    "subjectId": 2
    "photoId": 1,
    "subjectId": 3
    "photoId": 3,
    "subjectId": 3

And now query for all photos with their subjects:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const photos = await'photos', db.all, {
  lateral: {
    subjects:'subjectPhotos', { photoId: db.parent() }, {
      lateral: db.selectExactlyOne('subjects', { subjectId: db.parent() })
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("photos".*) || jsonb_build_object($1::text, "lateral_subjects".result) AS result
  FROM "photos"
    SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
    FROM (
      SELECT "lateral_passthru".result AS result
      FROM "subjectPhotos"
          SELECT to_jsonb ("subjects".*) AS result
          FROM "subjects"
          WHERE ("subjectId" = "subjectPhotos"."subjectId")
        LIMIT $2) AS "lateral_passthru" ON true
    WHERE ("photoId" = "photos"."photoId")) AS "sq_subjectPhotos") AS "lateral_subjects" ON true) AS "sq_photos"
["subjects", 1]
    "url": "photo1.jpg",
    "photoId": 1,
    "subjects": [
        "name": "Alice",
        "subjectId": 1
        "name": "Cathy",
        "subjectId": 3
    "url": "photo2.jpg",
    "photoId": 2,
    "subjects": [
        "name": "Alice",
        "subjectId": 1
        "name": "Bobby",
        "subjectId": 2
    "url": "photo3.jpg",
    "photoId": 3,
    "subjects": [
        "name": "Cathy",
        "subjectId": 3

Note that the subjects subquery is passed directly to the lateral option of the subjectPhotos query, and its result is therefore passed straight through, effectively overwriting the subjectPhotos query result. That’s fine, since the intermediate subjectPhotos results would be effectively just noise here, in the form of duplicate copies of the photoId and subjectId primary keys.

Note also that when a lateral join matches on the same column name in the parent and child tables, you can omit that column name from the call to parent(). In other words, { columnName: db.parent() } is equivalent to { columnName: db.parent('columnName') }.

When you pass a nested query directly to the lateral option of a parent query, nothing else is returned from that parent query. For this reason, specifying columns or extras on the parent query would have no effect, and trying to do so will give you a type error.


There are still a few limitations to type inference for nested queries. First, there’s no check that your joins make sense (column types and REFERENCES relationships are not exploited in the Whereable term). Second, we need to manually specify selectExactlyOne instead of selectOne when we know that a join will always produce a result — such as when the relevant foreign key is NOT NULL and has a REFERENCES constraint — which in principle might be inferred for us. Third, note that strictNullChecks (or strict) must be turned on in tsconfig.json, or nothing gets added to the return type.

Nevertheless, this is a handy, flexible — but still transparent and zero-abstraction — way to generate and run complex join queries.


The extras option allows us to include additional result keys that don’t directly replicate the columns of our tables. That can be a computed quantity, such as a geographical distance via PostGIS, or it can be a simple column alias.

As is discussed above for insert, the extras option takes a mapping of property names to column names and/or sql template strings (i.e. SQLFragments). The RunResult type variable of any template string is significant, since it is passed through to the result type.

Let’s see extras in use, with an example that shows too how the lateral option can go well beyond simply matching a foreign key to a primary key.

Take this new table:

, "name" TEXT NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX "storesGeomIdx" ON "stores" USING gist("geom");

Insert some new stores:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const gbPoint = (mEast: number, mNorth: number) =>
  db.sql`ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(${db.param(mEast)}, ${db.param(mNorth)}), 27700)`;

const [brighton] = await db.insert('stores', [
  { name: 'Brighton', geom: gbPoint(530590, 104190) },
  { name: 'London', geom: gbPoint(534930, 179380) },
  { name: 'Edinburgh', geom: gbPoint(323430, 676130) },
  { name: 'Newcastle', geom: gbPoint(421430, 563130) },
  { name: 'Exeter', geom: gbPoint(288430, 92130) },
INSERT INTO "stores" ("geom", "name")
  VALUES (ST_SetSRID (ST_Point ($1, $2), 27700), $3), (ST_SetSRID (ST_Point ($4, $5), 27700), $6), (ST_SetSRID (ST_Point ($7, $8), 27700), $9), (ST_SetSRID (ST_Point ($10, $11), 27700), $12), (ST_SetSRID (ST_Point ($13, $14), 27700), $15)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("stores".*) AS result
[530590, 104190, "Brighton", 534930, 179380, "London", 323430, 676130, "Edinburgh", 421430, 563130, "Newcastle", 288430, 92130, "Exeter"]
    "id": 1,
    "geom": {
      "crs": {
        "type": "name",
        "properties": {
          "name": "EPSG:27700"
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "name": "Brighton"
    "id": 2,
    "geom": {
      "crs": {
        "type": "name",
        "properties": {
          "name": "EPSG:27700"
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "name": "London"
    "id": 3,
    "geom": {
      "crs": {
        "type": "name",
        "properties": {
          "name": "EPSG:27700"
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "name": "Edinburgh"
    "id": 4,
    "geom": {
      "crs": {
        "type": "name",
        "properties": {
          "name": "EPSG:27700"
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "name": "Newcastle"
    "id": 5,
    "geom": {
      "crs": {
        "type": "name",
        "properties": {
          "name": "EPSG:27700"
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [
    "name": "Exeter"

And now query my local store (Brighton) plus its three nearest alternatives, with their distances in metres, using PostGIS’s index-aware <-> operator:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import { conditions as dc } from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';const 
  distance = db.sql<s.stores.SQL, number>`${"geom"} <-> ${db.parent("geom")}`,
  localStore = await db.selectOne('stores', { id: 1 }, {
    columns: ['name'],
    lateral: {
      alternatives:'stores', { id:"id")) }, {
        alias: 'nearby',
        columns: ['id'],
        extras: { 
          distance,  // <-- i.e. distance: distance, referring to the SQLFragment just defined
          storeName: "name",  // <-- a simple alias for the name column
        order: { by: distance, direction: 'ASC' },
        limit: 3,
SELECT jsonb_build_object($1::text, "name") || jsonb_build_object($2::text, "lateral_alternatives".result) AS result
FROM "stores"
    SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
    FROM (
      SELECT jsonb_build_object($3::text, "id") || jsonb_build_object($4::text, "geom" <-> "stores"."geom", $5::text, "name") AS result
      FROM "stores" AS "nearby"
      WHERE (("id" <> "stores"."id"))
    ORDER BY "geom" <-> "stores"."geom" ASC
    LIMIT $6) AS "sq_nearby") AS "lateral_alternatives" ON true
WHERE ("id" = $7)
["name", "alternatives", "id", "distance", "storeName", 3, 1, 1]
  "name": "Brighton",
  "alternatives": [
      "id": 2,
      "distance": 75315.14920651754,
      "storeName": "London"
      "id": 5,
      "distance": 242460.11878245047,
      "storeName": "Exeter"
      "id": 4,
      "distance": 471743.3933824617,
      "storeName": "Newcastle"

The extras option requires strictNullChecks (or strict) to be turned on in tsconfig.json.

groupBy and having

The groupBy and having options work as you’d probably expect. The value of groupBy should be a single Column, a Column[] array or a SQLFragment. The value of having should be a Whereable or SQLFragment.

You’ll likely want to use these in conjunction with columns and extras. To take a rather contrived example:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';const multiBookAuthorTitleData = await'books', db.all, {
  columns: ['authorId'],
  extras: {
    titleCount: db.sql<s.books.SQL, number>`count(${"title"})`,
    titleChars: db.sql<s.books.SQL, number>`sum(char_length(${"title"}))`
  groupBy: 'authorId',
  having: db.sql<s.books.SQL>`count(${"title"}) > 1`,
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT jsonb_build_object($1::text, "authorId") || jsonb_build_object($2::text, count("title"), $3::text, sum(char_length("title"))) AS result
  FROM "books"
  GROUP BY "authorId"
  HAVING count("title") > 1) AS "sq_books"
["authorId", "titleCount", "titleChars"]
    "authorId": 5,
    "titleChars": 65,
    "titleCount": 3
    "authorId": 1000,
    "titleChars": 49,
    "titleCount": 3

The distinct option, unsurprisingly, adds DISTINCT to your query. If true it adds only DISTINCT. If a single Column, a Column[] array, or a SQLFragment, it adds the appropriate DISTINCT ON (/* ... */) clause.

For instance:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const 
  books1 = await'books', db.all, { distinct: true }).run(pool),
  books2 = await'books', db.all, { distinct: 'title' }).run(pool),
  books3 = await'books', db.all, { distinct: ['title', 'authorId'] }).run(pool),
  books4 = await'books', db.all, { distinct: db.sql`upper(${"title"})` }).run(pool);
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT to_jsonb ("books".*) AS result
  FROM "books") AS "sq_books"
    "id": 2,
    "title": "My Brief History",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
    "id": 1002,
    "title": "The Amber Spyglass",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603732+01:00"
    "id": 1000,
    "title": "Northern Lights",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603082+01:00"
    "id": 1003,
    "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time",
    "authorId": 1001,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605245+01:00"
    "id": 1,
    "title": "A Brief History of Time",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
    "id": 1001,
    "title": "The Subtle Knife",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603558+01:00"
    "id": 3,
    "title": "The Universe in a Nutshell",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.467708+01:00"
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
    to_jsonb ("books".*) AS result
  FROM "books") AS "sq_books"
    "id": 1,
    "title": "A Brief History of Time",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
    "id": 2,
    "title": "My Brief History",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
    "id": 1000,
    "title": "Northern Lights",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603082+01:00"
    "id": 1002,
    "title": "The Amber Spyglass",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603732+01:00"
    "id": 1003,
    "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time",
    "authorId": 1001,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605245+01:00"
    "id": 1001,
    "title": "The Subtle Knife",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603558+01:00"
    "id": 3,
    "title": "The Universe in a Nutshell",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.467708+01:00"
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON ("title", "authorId")
    to_jsonb ("books".*) AS result
  FROM "books") AS "sq_books"
    "id": 1,
    "title": "A Brief History of Time",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
    "id": 2,
    "title": "My Brief History",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
    "id": 1000,
    "title": "Northern Lights",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603082+01:00"
    "id": 1002,
    "title": "The Amber Spyglass",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603732+01:00"
    "id": 1003,
    "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time",
    "authorId": 1001,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605245+01:00"
    "id": 1001,
    "title": "The Subtle Knife",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603558+01:00"
    "id": 3,
    "title": "The Universe in a Nutshell",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.467708+01:00"
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (upper("title")
) to_jsonb ("books".*) AS result
  FROM "books") AS "sq_books"
    "id": 1,
    "title": "A Brief History of Time",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
    "id": 2,
    "title": "My Brief History",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.463945+01:00"
    "id": 1000,
    "title": "Northern Lights",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603082+01:00"
    "id": 1002,
    "title": "The Amber Spyglass",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603732+01:00"
    "id": 1003,
    "title": "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time",
    "authorId": 1001,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.605245+01:00"
    "id": 1001,
    "title": "The Subtle Knife",
    "authorId": 1000,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:22:52.603558+01:00"
    "id": 3,
    "title": "The Universe in a Nutshell",
    "authorId": 5,
    "createdAt": "2024-06-23T15:24:10.467708+01:00"

(For the DISTINCT ON variants, you should really use order too, or you don’t really know which rows you’ll get).


The lock option defines a locking clause. It takes a SelectLockingOptions object or SelectLockingOptions[] array, defined as:

export interface SelectLockingOptions {
  of?: Table | Table[];
  wait?: 'NOWAIT' | 'SKIP LOCKED';

(And yes, this allows for arbitrary locking scenarios that a shorcut select can’t yet need).

A couple of examples:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const authors1 = await"authors", db.all, { 
  lock: { for: "NO KEY UPDATE" } 

const authors2 = await"authors", db.all, { 
  lock: { for: "UPDATE", of: "authors", wait: "NOWAIT" } 
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("authors".*) AS result
  FROM "authors"
  FOR NO KEY UPDATE) AS "sq_authors"
    "id": 1000,
    "name": "Philip Pullman",
    "isLiving": true
    "id": 1001,
    "name": "Mark Haddon",
    "isLiving": true
    "id": 1002,
    "name": "Louis Sachar",
    "isLiving": true
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Gabriel Garcia Marquez",
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Douglas Adams",
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Jane Austen",
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 4,
    "name": "Joseph Conrad",
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 5,
    "name": "Stephen Hawking",
    "isLiving": false
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("authors".*) AS result
  FROM "authors"
    OF "authors" NOWAIT) AS "sq_authors"
    "id": 1000,
    "name": "Philip Pullman",
    "isLiving": true
    "id": 1001,
    "name": "Mark Haddon",
    "isLiving": true
    "id": 1002,
    "name": "Louis Sachar",
    "isLiving": true
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Gabriel Garcia Marquez",
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Douglas Adams",
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Jane Austen",
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 4,
    "name": "Joseph Conrad",
    "isLiving": false
    "id": 5,
    "name": "Stephen Hawking",
    "isLiving": false

count, avg, sum, min and max

The count, avg, sum, min and max functions generate SELECT queries that apply the relevant aggregate to matching rows, and so each return a SQLFragment<number>.

They’re used in a very similar way to select, like this:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const numberOfAuthors = await db.count('authors', db.all).run(pool);
SELECT count("authors".*) AS result
FROM "authors"


Since the shortcut functions build on Postgres’ JSON support, their return values are typed JSONSelectable rather than the Selectable you’d get back from a manual query (this would not in fact be a hard requirement for all shortcuts, but in the interests of consistency it does apply to all of them).

JSONSelectables differ from Selectables in that some data types that would normally be converted to native JavaScript representations by pg are instead returned in the string format produced by the Postgres to_json function. Namely:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';const
  d1 = db.toDate('2012-06-01T12:34:00Z'),  // TimestampTzString -> Date
  d2 = db.toDate('2012-06-01T00:00', 'local'),  // TimestampString (Europe/London) -> Date
  d3 = db.toDate('2012-06-01', 'UTC'),  // DateString (UTC) -> Date
  d4 = db.toDate(Math.random() < 0.5 ? null : '2012-10-09T02:34Z') // TimestampTzString | null -> Date | null;

console.log({ d1, d2, d3, d4 });

  s1 = db.toString(d1, 'timestamptz'),  // Date -> TimestampTzString
  s2 = db.toString(d2, 'timestamp:local'),  // Date -> TimestampString (Europe/London)
  s3 = db.toString(d3, 'date:UTC'),  // Date -> DateString (UTC)
  s4 = db.toString(Math.random() < 0.5 ? null : d4, 'timestamptz'); // Date | null -> TimestampTzString | null

console.log({ s1, s2, s3, s4 });
  d1: 2012-06-01T12:34:00.000Z,
  d2: 2012-05-31T23:00:00.000Z,
  d3: 2012-06-01T00:00:00.000Z,
  d4: null
  s1: '2012-06-01T12:34:00.000Z',
  s2: '2012-06-01T00:00:00.000',
  s3: '2012-06-01',
  s4: null

If you’re using a time/date library such as Luxon or Moment, use Zapatos’ strict function to roll your own time/date conversions, returning (and inferring) null on null input. For example:

import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import * as db from 'zapatos/db';

// conversions to and from Luxon's DateTime
export const toDateTime = db.strict<db.TimestampTzString, DateTime>(DateTime.fromISO);
export const toTsTzString = db.strict((d: DateTime) => d.toISO() as db.TimestampTzString);

// db.strict handles null input both for type inference and at runtime
const tsTz = '1989-11-09T18:53:00.000+01:00' as db.TimestampTzString;
const tsTzOrNull = Math.random() < 0.5 ? tsTz : null;
const dt1 = toDateTime(null);  // dt1: null
const dt2 = toDateTime(tsTz);  // dt2: DateTime
const dt3 = toDateTime(tsTzOrNull);  // dt3: DateTime | null
const alsoTsTz = toTsTzString(dt2);

console.log({ dt1, dt2, dt3, alsoTsTz });
  dt1: null,
  dt2: DateTime {
    ts: 626637180000,
    _zone: SystemZone {},
    loc: Locale {
      locale: 'en-GB',
      numberingSystem: null,
      outputCalendar: null,
      intl: 'en-GB',
      weekdaysCache: [Object],
      monthsCache: [Object],
      meridiemCache: null,
      eraCache: {},
      specifiedLocale: null,
      fastNumbersCached: null
    invalid: null,
    weekData: null,
    c: {
      year: 1989,
      month: 11,
      day: 9,
      hour: 17,
      minute: 53,
      second: 0,
      millisecond: 0
    o: -0,
    isLuxonDateTime: true
  dt3: DateTime {
    ts: 626637180000,
    _zone: SystemZone {},
    loc: Locale {
      locale: 'en-GB',
      numberingSystem: null,
      outputCalendar: null,
      intl: 'en-GB',
      weekdaysCache: [Object],
      monthsCache: [Object],
      meridiemCache: null,
      eraCache: {},
      specifiedLocale: null,
      fastNumbersCached: null
    invalid: null,
    weekData: null,
    c: {
      year: 1989,
      month: 11,
      day: 9,
      hour: 17,
      minute: 53,
      second: 0,
      millisecond: 0
    o: -0,
    isLuxonDateTime: true
  alsoTsTz: '1989-11-09T17:53:00.000+00:00'
Custom JSON parsing for bigint and numeric

All numeric values are returned as ordinary number literals in Postgres’ JSON types. That means bigint/int8 values could exceed Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (and might become different integers in the process), while numeric/decimal values could overflow Number.MAX_VALUE or lose precision. I’ve written about this issue in more detail elsewhere.

For this reason, if your database includes any bigint/int8 or numeric/decimal columns, a warning will be printed at schema-generation time (since Zapatos version 6.3).

To address this issue:

When using these number | `${number}` values in code, you will likely want to convert integers to BigInt and decimals to a third-party decimal format such as big.js at the earliest opportunity.

Here’s an example:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool.js';
import pg from 'pg';
import Big from 'big.js';  // third-party arbitrary-precision library

// note: set `"customJSONParsingForLargeNumbers": true` in zapatosconfig.json


// bigints

const bigints = await"bigints", db.all, 
  { order: { by: "bigintValue", direction: "ASC" } }).run(pool);

for (const { bigintValue: raw } of bigints) {  // raw is number | `${number}`
  const number = Number(raw);  // DON'T do this: may become a different integer
  const bigint = BigInt(raw);  // do this instead

  console.log('raw:', raw, '/ as Number:', number, '/ as BigInt:', bigint);

  // Note that numbers above `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER` are still returned as
  // numbers *if* that doesn't change them. For example, 9007199254740993 is
  // returned as a string (because it would become 9007199254740992), but
  // 9007199254740992 is safely returned as an ordinary number, even though
  // it's `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1`.

// numerics

const numerics = await"numerics", db.all, 
  { order: { by: "numericValue", direction: "ASC" } }).run(pool);

for (const { numericValue: raw } of numerics) {  // raw is number | `${number}`
  const number = Number(raw);  // DON'T do this: may overflow or lose precision
  const bigdec = Big(raw);  // do this instead

  console.log('raw:', raw, '/ as Number:', number, '/ as Big:', bigdec);

await pool.end();
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("bigints".*) AS result
  FROM "bigints"
  ORDER BY "bigintValue" ASC) AS "sq_bigints"
    "bigintValue": 9007199254740991
    "bigintValue": 9007199254740992
    "bigintValue": "9007199254740993"
raw: 9007199254740991 / as Number: 9007199254740991 / as BigInt: 9007199254740991n
raw: 9007199254740992 / as Number: 9007199254740992 / as BigInt: 9007199254740992n
raw: 9007199254740993 / as Number: 9007199254740992 / as BigInt: 9007199254740993n
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("numerics".*) AS result
  FROM "numerics"
  ORDER BY "numericValue" ASC) AS "sq_numerics"
    "numericValue": "1.2345678901234566"
    "numericValue": 1.2345678901234567
    "numericValue": 1.7e+308
    "numericValue": "180000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
raw: 1.2345678901234566 / as Number: 1.2345678901234567 / as Big: 1.2345678901234566
raw: 1.2345678901234567 / as Number: 1.2345678901234567 / as Big: 1.2345678901234567
raw: 1.7e+308 / as Number: 1.7e+308 / as Big: 1.7e+308
raw: 180000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 / as Number: Infinity / as Big: 1.8e+308


export enum IsolationLevel {
  // these are the only meaningful values in Postgres: 
  // see
  Serializable = "SERIALIZABLE",
  RepeatableRead = "REPEATABLE READ",
  ReadCommitted = "READ COMMITTED",
export async function transaction<T, M extends IsolationLevel>(
  txnClientOrQueryable: Queryable | TxnClient<IsolationSatisfying<M>>,
  isolationLevel: M,
  callback: (client: TxnClient<IsolationSatisfying<M>>) => Promise<T>
): Promise<T>

The transaction helper takes a pg.Pool or already-connected pg.Client instance, an isolation mode, and an async callback function (it can also take an existing TxnClient instead, but we’ll cover that later). It then proceeds as follows:

As is implied above, for REPEATABLE READ or SERIALIZABLE isolation modes the callback could be called several times. It’s therefore important that it doesn’t have any non-database-related side-effects (i.e. don’t, say, bill your customer’s credit card from this function).

We already saw one transaction example. Here’s another, adapted from CockroachDB’s write-up on SERIALIZABLE.

We have a table of doctors, and a table of their assigned shifts.

CREATE TABLE "doctors"
, "name" TEXT NOT NULL );

CREATE TABLE "shifts" 
, "doctorId" INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES "doctors"("id")
, PRIMARY KEY ("day", "doctorId") );

We populate those tables with two doctors and two days’ shifts:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';await db.insert('doctors', [
  { id: 1, name: 'Annabel' }, 
  { id: 2, name: 'Brian' },

await db.insert('shifts', [
  { day: '2020-12-24', doctorId: 1 },
  { day: '2020-12-24', doctorId: 2 },
  { day: '2020-12-25', doctorId: 1 },
  { day: '2020-12-25', doctorId: 2 },
INSERT INTO "doctors" ("id", "name")
  VALUES ($1, $2), ($3, $4)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("doctors".*) AS result
[1, "Annabel", 2, "Brian"]
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Annabel"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Brian"
INSERT INTO "shifts" ("day", "doctorId")
  VALUES ($1, $2), ($3, $4), ($5, $6), ($7, $8)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("shifts".*) AS result
["2020-12-24", 1, "2020-12-24", 2, "2020-12-25", 1, "2020-12-25", 2]
    "day": "2020-12-24",
    "doctorId": 1
    "day": "2020-12-24",
    "doctorId": 2
    "day": "2020-12-25",
    "doctorId": 1
    "day": "2020-12-25",
    "doctorId": 2

The important business logic is that there must always be at least one doctor on shift. Now let’s say both doctors happen at the same moment to request leave for 25 December.

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const requestLeaveForDoctorOnDay = async (doctorId: number, day: db.DateString) =>
  db.transaction(pool, db.IsolationLevel.Serializable, async txnClient => {
    const otherDoctorsOnShift = await db.count('shifts', {
      doctorId: db.sql`${db.self} != ${db.param(doctorId)}`,
    if (otherDoctorsOnShift === 0) return false;

    await db.deletes('shifts', { day, doctorId }).run(txnClient);
    return true;

const [leaveBookedForAnnabel, leaveBookedForBrian] = await Promise.all([
  // in practice, these requests would come from different front-ends
  requestLeaveForDoctorOnDay(1, '2020-12-25'),
  requestLeaveForDoctorOnDay(2, '2020-12-25'),

console.log(`Leave booked for:
  Annabel – ${leaveBookedForAnnabel}
  Brian – ${leaveBookedForBrian}`);
Transaction 0
Transaction 1
Transaction 0
SELECT count("shifts".*) AS result
FROM "shifts"
WHERE ("day" = $1
  AND ("doctorId" != $2))
["2020-12-25", 1]
Transaction 1
SELECT count("shifts".*) AS result
FROM "shifts"
WHERE ("day" = $1
  AND ("doctorId" != $2))
["2020-12-25", 2]
Transaction 0
Transaction 0
DELETE FROM "shifts"
WHERE ("day" = $1
    AND "doctorId" = $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("shifts".*) AS result
["2020-12-25", 1]
Transaction 1
Transaction 1
DELETE FROM "shifts"
WHERE ("day" = $1
    AND "doctorId" = $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("shifts".*) AS result
["2020-12-25", 2]
Transaction 1
    "day": "2020-12-25",
    "doctorId": 2
Transaction 1
Transaction 0
    "day": "2020-12-25",
    "doctorId": 1
Transaction 0
Transaction 0
Transaction 0
Transaction rollback (code 40001) on attempt 1 of 5, retrying in 98ms
Transaction 0
Retrying transaction, attempt 2 of 5
Transaction 0
Transaction 0
SELECT count("shifts".*) AS result
FROM "shifts"
WHERE ("day" = $1
  AND ("doctorId" != $2))
["2020-12-25", 1]
Transaction 0
Transaction 0
Leave booked for:
  Annabel – false
  Brian – true

Expanding the results, we see that one of the requests is retried and then fails — as it must to retain one doctor on shift — thanks to the SERIALIZABLE isolation. REPEATABLE READ, which is one isolation level weaker, wouldn’t help here.

Transaction isolation shortcuts

To help save keystrokes and line noise, there is a family of transaction shortcut functions named after each isolation mode. For example, instead of:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const result = await db.transaction(pool, db.IsolationLevel.Serializable, async txnClient => { /* ... */ });

You can use the equivalent:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const result = await db.serializable(pool, async txnClient => { /* ... */ });

IsolationSatisfying generic

export type IsolationSatisfying<T extends IsolationLevel> = {
  [IsolationLevel.Serializable]: IsolationLevel.Serializable;
  [IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead]: IsolationSatisfying<IsolationLevel.Serializable> | IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead;
  /* ... */

export type TxnClientForSerializable = TxnClient<IsolationSatisfying<IsolationLevel.Serializable>>;
export type TxnClientForRepeatableRead = TxnClient<IsolationSatisfying<IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead>>;
/* ... */

If you find yourself passing transaction clients around, you may find the IsolationSatisfying generic useful. For example, if you type a txnClient argument to a function as IsolationSatisfying<IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead> — probably by using the alias type TxnClientForRepeatableRead — you can call it with a client having IsolationLevel.Serializable or IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead but not IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted.

Transaction sharing

A snag you might have encountered when using Postgres transactions is that, since transactions can’t be nested, it’s fiddly to break out SQL operations with cross-cutting isolation requirements into self-contained functions.

Recall the transaction example we began with: a money transfer between two bank accounts. We do this within a transaction, because we need atomicity: we must ensure that either balance A is increased and balance B is correspondingly reduced, or that neither thing happens.

But what if we want to combine some other operations within the same database transaction? Say we want to make two transfers, A to B and A to C, or have both fail. The transferMoney function we originally wrote uses a transaction helper to BEGIN and COMMIT its own transaction every time, so we can’t just call it twice.

For this reason, the transaction function — and its isolation-level shortcuts — can be passed either a plain pg.Pool/pg.Client, in which case they manage a transaction as decribed above, or an existing TxnClient. If they’re passed an existing TxnClient, they do no more than call the provided callback function with the provided client on the spot.

Let’s see how this helps. We’ll modify the transferMoney function to take a pool or transaction client as its last argument, and pass that straight to the serializable transaction function. (Note that we could give this last argument a default value of pool, but I find that way it’s too easy to accidentally issue queries outside of transactions).

With that done, we can now use transferMoney both for individual transfers, without worrying about transactions, and in combination with other operations, by taking charge of the transaction ourselves:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import { conditions as dc } from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';const [accountA, accountB, accountC] = await db.insert('bankAccounts',
  [{ balance: 50 }, { balance: 50 }, { balance: 50 }]).run(pool);

const transferMoney = (sendingAccountId: number, receivingAccountId: number, amount: number, txnClientOrPool: typeof pool | db.TxnClientForSerializable) =>
  db.serializable(txnClientOrPool, txnClient => Promise.all([
      { balance: db.sql`${db.self} - ${db.param(amount)}` },
      { id: sendingAccountId }).run(txnClient),
      { balance: db.sql`${db.self} + ${db.param(amount)}` },
      { id: receivingAccountId }).run(txnClient),

// single transfer, as before (but passing in `pool`)
try {
  await transferMoney(,, 60, pool);
} catch (err: any) {
  console.log(err.message, '/', err.detail);

// multiple transfers, passing in an external transaction
try {
  await db.serializable(pool, txnClient => Promise.all([
    transferMoney(,, 40, txnClient),
    transferMoney(,, 40, txnClient)
} catch (err: any) {
  console.log(err.message, '/', err.detail);

await'bankAccounts', { id: dc.isIn([,,]) }).run(pool);
INSERT INTO "bankAccounts" ("balance")
  VALUES ($1), ($2), ($3)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("bankAccounts".*) AS result
[50, 50, 50]
    "id": 3,
    "balance": 50
    "id": 4,
    "balance": 50
    "id": 5,
    "balance": 50
Transaction 0
Transaction 0
SET ("balance") = ROW ("balance" - $1)
WHERE ("id" = $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("bankAccounts".*) AS result
[60, 3]
Transaction 0
SET ("balance") = ROW ("balance" + $1)
WHERE ("id" = $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("bankAccounts".*) AS result
[60, 4]
Transaction 0
new row for relation "bankAccounts" violates check constraint "bankAccounts_balance_check" / Failing row contains (3, -10).
Transaction 1
Transaction 1
SET ("balance") = ROW ("balance" - $1)
WHERE ("id" = $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("bankAccounts".*) AS result
[40, 3]
Transaction 1
SET ("balance") = ROW ("balance" + $1)
WHERE ("id" = $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("bankAccounts".*) AS result
[40, 4]
Transaction 1
SET ("balance") = ROW ("balance" - $1)
WHERE ("id" = $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("bankAccounts".*) AS result
[40, 3]
Transaction 1
SET ("balance") = ROW ("balance" + $1)
WHERE ("id" = $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("bankAccounts".*) AS result
[40, 5]
Transaction 1
    "id": 3,
    "balance": 10
Transaction 1
    "id": 4,
    "balance": 90
Transaction 1
new row for relation "bankAccounts" violates check constraint "bankAccounts_balance_check" / Failing row contains (3, -30).
SELECT coalesce(jsonb_agg(result), '[]') AS result
  SELECT to_jsonb ("bankAccounts".*) AS result
  FROM "bankAccounts"
  WHERE (("id" IN ($1, $2, $3)))) AS "sq_bankAccounts"
[3, 4, 5]
    "id": 3,
    "balance": 50
    "id": 4,
    "balance": 50
    "id": 5,
    "balance": 50

If you expand the results you’ll see that both transactions fail, as intended.

Happily, the type system will prevent us from trying to pass transferMoney a database client associated with an insufficiently isolated transaction. If we were to substitute db.serializable with db.repeatableRead inside the second try block, TypeScript would complain.


Zapatos provides a simple function to help you recognise and recover from errors thrown by pg.

function isDatabaseError(err: Error, ...types: (keyof typeof pgErrors)[]): boolean;

You pass it your JS Error object, and one or more Postgres error names. It returns true if your error is a pg error of any of those kinds, and false otherwise.

It works with both general error class names and specific error names.

The general class names contain no underscore and correspond to the first two characters of a 5-character Postgres error code: for example, ConnectionException, which is all codes starting 08.

The specific error names contain one underscore and correspond to a full 5-character code: for example, ConnectionException_ProtocolViolation, which is code 08P01.

As one example, the transaction helper uses this function to catch serialization problems, like so:

try {
  /* start transaction, run queries, commit */

} catch (err: any) {
  await sql`ROLLBACK`.run(txnClient);
  if (isDatabaseError(err, "TransactionRollback_SerializationFailure", "TransactionRollback_DeadlockDetected")) {
    /* wait a bit, then have another go */

  } else {
    throw err;

As another example, let’s say we’re assigning one octet of an IP address by using a SERIAL column. We want these to remain sequential up to 254, and then to start filling in any gaps created by deleted rows.

Here’s the table:

, "friendlyName" text

Behind the scenes, 253 rows have already been inserted. Let’s delete one so we can see the filling-in process in action:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';await db.deletes('users', { id: 123 }).run(pool);
WHERE ("id" = $1)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("users".*) AS result
    "id": 123,
    "ipOctet": 123,
    "friendlyName": "Charlie"
import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema';
import pool from './pgPool';async function createUser(friendlyName: string) {
  return db.serializable(pool, async txnClient => {
    let user;
    try {
      await db.sql`SAVEPOINT "start"`.run(txnClient);
      user = await db.insert('users', { friendlyName }).run(txnClient);

    } catch (err: any) {
      if (!db.isDatabaseError(err, 'DataException_SequenceGeneratorLimitExceeded')) throw err;
      await db.sql`ROLLBACK TO "start"`.run(txnClient);
      const ipOctet = await getFirstFreeIpOctet(txnClient);
      if (!ipOctet) return null;

      user = await db.insert('users', { friendlyName, ipOctet }).run(txnClient);
    return user;

async function getFirstFreeIpOctet(txnClient: db.TxnClientForSerializable) {
  const result = await db.sql<s.users.SQL, [{ octet: number }] | []>`
    SELECT gs.octet 
    FROM generate_series(1, 254) AS gs(octet) 
    LEFT JOIN ${"users"} AS u ON u.${"ipOctet"} = gs.octet
    WHERE u.${"ipOctet"} IS NULL
    ORDER BY gs.octet ASC LIMIT 1

  return result[0]?.octet;

const [alice, bob, cathy] = [
  await createUser('Alice'),
  await createUser('Bob'),
  await createUser('Cathy'),
console.log(alice, bob, cathy);
Transaction 0
Transaction 0
Transaction 0
INSERT INTO "users" ("friendlyName")
  VALUES ($1)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("users".*) AS result
Transaction 0
  "id": 254,
  "ipOctet": 254,
  "friendlyName": "Alice"
Transaction 0
Transaction 1
Transaction 1
Transaction 1
INSERT INTO "users" ("friendlyName")
  VALUES ($1)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("users".*) AS result
Transaction 1
Transaction 1
SELECT gs.octet
FROM generate_series(1, 254) AS gs (octet)
  LEFT JOIN "users" AS u ON u. "ipOctet" = gs.octet
WHERE u. "ipOctet" IS NULL
ORDER BY gs.octet ASC
Transaction 1
    "octet": 123
Transaction 1
INSERT INTO "users" ("friendlyName", "ipOctet")
  VALUES ($1, $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("users".*) AS result
["Bob", 123]
Transaction 1
  "id": 256,
  "ipOctet": 123,
  "friendlyName": "Bob"
Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Transaction 2
Transaction 2
INSERT INTO "users" ("friendlyName")
  VALUES ($1)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("users".*) AS result
Transaction 2
Transaction 2
SELECT gs.octet
FROM generate_series(1, 254) AS gs (octet)
  LEFT JOIN "users" AS u ON u. "ipOctet" = gs.octet
WHERE u. "ipOctet" IS NULL
ORDER BY gs.octet ASC
Transaction 2
{ id: 254, ipOctet: 254, friendlyName: 'Alice' } { id: 256, ipOctet: 123, friendlyName: 'Bob' } null

Utility types

Zapatos provides a few over-arching types designed to help you comprehensively enumerate the objects in your database. All of these are literal string array types, in alphabetical order — e.g. ["myTable1", "myTable2", "myTable3", "otherSchema.myTable1"] — and are as follows:

These global types list all relevant objects across all schemas. Schema-specific namespaced variants are also available (except, of course, in the case of AllSchemas).

For example, all ordinary tables in the public schema are listed in public.AllBaseTables (this name is prefixed irrespective of the value of the "unprefixedSchema" config option). Or all views in a custom schema might be found under myOtherSchema.AllViews.

Zapatos also provides a number of type mappings allowing types to be accessed by table name, which are heavily used by the shortcut functions:

Run-time configuration

There are a few configuration options you can set at runtime:

export interface Config {
  transactionAttemptsMax: number;
  transactionRetryDelay: { minMs: number; maxMs: number };
  castArrayParamsToJson: boolean;
  castObjectParamsToJson: boolean;
  queryListener?(query: SQLQuery, txnId?: number): void;
  resultListener?(result: any, txnId?: number, elapsedMs?: number): void;
  transactionListener?(message: string, txnId?: number): void;
export interface SQLQuery {
  text: string;
  values: any[];

Read the current values with getConfig() and set new values with setConfig(newConfig: Partial<Config>).

You might use one or more of the three listener functions to implement logging. For example, if you’re using the debug library, you could do something like this:

  queryDebug = debug('db:query'),
  resultDebug = debug('db:result'),
  txnDebug = debug('db:transaction'),
  strFromTxnId = (txnId: number | undefined) => txnId === undefined ? '-' : String(txnId);

  queryListener: (query, txnId) =>
    queryDebug(`(%s) %s\n%o`, strFromTxnId(txnId), query.text, query.values),
  resultListener: (result, txnId, elapsedMs) =>
    resultDebug(`(%s, %dms) %O`, strFromTxnId(txnId), elapsedMs?.toFixed(1), result),
  transactionListener: (message, txnId) =>
    txnDebug(`(%s) %s`, strFromTxnId(txnId), message),

These listeners are also used in generating the Show generated SQL, results elements of this documentation.

Casting Parameters to JSON

There’s a longstanding gotcha in the pg module’s treatment of JSON parameters. For json and jsonb values, you can pass a JavaScript object directly: pg automatically calls JSON.stringify for you behind the scenes. But try the same thing with a JavaScript array, and that doesn’t happen.

Using pg directly here, from Node:

> const pg = require('pg');
> const pool = new pg.Pool(/* ... */);
BoundPool { /* ... */ }
> pool.query('INSERT INTO jsontest (data) VALUES ($1)', [{ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }]);
Promise { <pending> }
> pool.query('INSERT INTO jsontest (data) VALUES ($1)', [[1, 2, 3]]);
Promise { <pending> }
> (node:59488) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: error: invalid input syntax for type json

In this second case, pg can’t tell whether you’re trying to pass a JSON array or a native Postgres array, and it assumes the latter.

But if you know you’ll more often be passing JSON arrays than native Postgres arrays to pg, you can reverse this assumption by setting the Zapatos castArrayParamsToJson config option to true. When interpolating a Parameter instance (as returned by the param call) that wraps an array, Zapatos will then default to calling JSON.stringify on the array and casting it to json. Whether or not castArrayParamsToJson is set, you can always specify the desired stringifying and casting behaviour using the optional second argument to param.

To clarify, take this table:

CREATE TABLE "arrays" ("jsonValue" jsonb, "textArray" text[]);

When castArrayParamsToJson is false (the default):

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';db.setConfig({ castArrayParamsToJson: false });  // the default

await db.insert("arrays", { 
  jsonValue: db.param(['a', 'b', 'c'], true),  // true -> manual cast to JSON
  textArray: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
INSERT INTO "arrays" ("jsonValue", "textArray")
  VALUES (CAST($1 AS "json"), $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("arrays".*) AS result
["[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]", ["a","b","c"]]
  "jsonValue": [
  "textArray": [

Or with castArrayParamsToJson set to true:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';db.setConfig({ castArrayParamsToJson: true });

await db.insert("arrays", { 
  jsonValue: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
  textArray: db.param(['a', 'b', 'c'], false),  // false -> prevent automatic cast to JSON
INSERT INTO "arrays" ("jsonValue", "textArray")
  VALUES (CAST($1 AS "json"), $2)
RETURNING to_jsonb ("arrays".*) AS result
["[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]", ["a","b","c"]]
  "jsonValue": [
  "textArray": [

The castObjectParamsToJson option has a fairly similar effect. As seen above, pg already stringifies JavaScript objects, but it does not explicitly cast them to json, and instead passes them implicitly as text. This matters in the (probably rare) case that the parameter then requires an onward cast from json to another type.

For example, when working with recent PostGIS, casting geometry values to JSON produces handy GeoJSON output, and you can define your own cast in the opposite direction too. However, when doing a GeoJSON INSERT into or UPDATE of a geometry column, the stringified JSON input parameter must be explicitly cast to JSON, otherwise it’s assumed to be Well-Known Text and fails to parse. In Zapatos, you can specify the cast manually with the optional second argument to param, or you can set castObjectParamsToJson to true, and any JSON objects interpolated as a Parameter will be cast to json automatically.

About Zapatos


This change list is not comprehensive. For a complete version history, please see the commit list.


Added support for large and precise numbersbigint and numeric/decimal — returned as JSON.


Return type for certain embedded SQLFragments now matches the null actually returned (previously typed as undefined). Fix for and and or types. Corrected package.json key order. Exporting mapWithSeparator.


Breaking change (if you use schemas): Thanks to generous sponsorship from Seam, Zapatos now supports schemas properly, prefixing the schema to table and enum names as necessary in the generated types. If you make use of Postgres schemas outside of the default public schema, you’ll need to add schema names in the appropriate places (TypeScript errors should show you where).


Breaking change: The AllTables type (which somewhat arbitrarily included tables, foreign tables, and views, but not materialized views) is gone. In its place you’ll a variety of more and less specific utility types. Also, Updatable and Insertable interfaces for tables and views that aren’t writable are now { [key: string]: never } instead of {}.


Breaking change: Various types in JSONSelectables are now assigned template string types instead of plain old string, including date and time types, range types, and bytea. For example, pg’s date maps to a new type DateString, now defined as `${number}-${number}-${number}`, and bytea maps to ByteArrayString, which is `\\x${string}`.

This improves type safety, but some string values in existing code may need to be cast or replaced (e.g. with JS Date or Buffer instances). For the date and time types, new conversion functions toDate and toString are provided. Or you can roll your own conversions for date libraries such as Luxon and Moment with help from the new strict function.

TypeScript 4.1 is now required, and 4.3 is recommended.


New feature: The extras option object can now take column names as well as SQLFragments as its values, enabling straightforward column aliasing (similar to SELECT "column" AS "aliasedColumn") in shortcut functions.


Minor features and fixes: Added upsert option reportAction: 'suppress' as a workaround for issues with xmax. Made schema JSDoc comments optional. Sorted UniqueIndex union types for stable ordering. Moved to (mostly) separate type treatments across Selectable, JSONSelectable, Whereable etc., enabling proper treatment of int8 and Date in and out of JSONSelectable.


New features + bugfix: Added upsert shortcut support for INSERT ... ON CONFLICT ... DO NOTHING by passing an empty array as the updateColumns option (and fixed a bug where this, and certain other upsert queries, would generate invalid SQL). Added a new updateValues option for upsert. Added the eq condition helper, which was strangely missing.


New feature: Added an updateColumns option to upsert, enabling only a subset of columns to be updated on conflict.

New feature: Added an outExt generation configuration key, to allow generating .ts files instead of .d.ts files.


New feature: Types are now generated for materialized views as well as ordinary tables, thanks to @jtfell.


New feature: Pass-through lateral subqueries, for querying many-to-many relationships.

New feature: As requested, you can now manually exclude column keys from the Insertable and Updatable types, and make column keys optional in Insertable types, using a new "columnOptions" key in zapatosconfig.json or the corresponding Config object passed to generate (documentation). On a similar note, GENERATED ALWAYS columns (both the IDENTITY and STORED varieties) are now automatically excluded from Insertable and Updatable types, since it’s an error to try to write to them.


Major breaking change: Zapatos no longer copies its source to your source tree. In the long run, this is good news — now it’s just a normal module, updates won’t pollute your diffs, and so on. Thanks are due to @eyelidlessness and @jtfell.

Right now, though, there’s a bit of work to do. When you run npx zapatos for the first time in version 3, you’ll see a message pointing out that you need to:

1) Change:  import * as zapatos from 'zapatos'
   To:      import * as zapatos from 'zapatos/generate'

   Search:  ^(\s*import[^"']*['"])zapatos(["'])
   Replace: $1zapatos/generate$2

2) Change:  import * as db from './path/to/zapatos/src'
   To:      import * as db from 'zapatos/db'

   Search:  ^(\s*import[^"']*['"])[^"']*/zapatos/src(["'])
   Replace: $1zapatos/db$2

3) Change:  import * as s from './path/to/zapatos/schema'
   To:      import type * as s from 'zapatos/schema'
                   be sure to import type, not just import

   Search:  ^(\s*import\s*)(type\s*)?([^"']*['"])[^"']+/(zapatos/schema["'])
   Replace: $1type $3$4

Newly documented feature: the isDatabaseError function is now documented.


New feature: new returning and extras options on insert, update, upsert and deletes queries. These behave like the columns and extras options on select.

Breaking change: the optional last argument to upsert is now an options object, when previously it was a list of columns that should not be overwritten with null in the case of an UPDATE. That column list can now be passed via a noNullUpdateColumns key on the new options object.


New feature: transaction sharing support. Also, for queries within a transaction, a unique numeric transaction ID is now passed as a second argument to the query/result/transaction listeners, to aid debugging.

Breaking change: some transaction-related objects have been renamed (hence the jump in major version to 1.0).

Because these are a bit of a mouthful, there are new shortcuts for TxnClient, which is the context you’ll mainly want to use them in. For example, TxnClientForSerializable is an alias for TxnClient<IsolationSatisfying<IsolationLevel.Serializable>>.


New features: condition helpers for use within Whereables, and isolation level-specific transaction shortcuts.

Condition helpers let you rewrite query conditions like these:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import { conditions as dc } from 'zapatos/db';const 
  date = new Date('1989-11-09T18:53:00+0100'),
  authorIds = [1, 2, 3];

const query1a ='books', { createdAt: db.sql`${db.self} >= ${db.param(date)}` });
// can be rewritten as
const query1b ='books', { createdAt: dc.after(date) });

const query2a ='books', { authorId: db.sql`${db.self} IN (${db.vals(authorIds)})` });
// can be rewritten as
const query2b ='books', { authorId: dc.isIn(authorIds) });

New transaction shortcuts per isolation level let you rewrite transactions like this one:

import * as db from 'zapatos/db';
import pool from './pgPool';await db.transaction(pool, db.IsolationLevel.Serializable, async txnClient => { /* ... */ });
// can be rewritten as
await db.serializable(pool, async txnClient => { /* ... */ });

This documentation

This document is created from a separate repository. All generated SQL has been funnelled through pgFormatter for easier reading.

Fixes, feature and contributions

If you’re asking for or contributing new work, my response is likely to reflect these principles:

Correct, consistent, comprehensible. I’m pretty likely to accept pull requests that fix bugs or improve readability or consistency without any major trade-offs. I’ll also do my best to respond with timely fixes to clear, minimal test cases that demonstrate unambiguous bugs.

Small is beautiful. I’m less likely to accept pull requests for features that significantly complicate the code base either to address niche use-cases or to eke out minor performance gains that are likely swamped by network and database latencies.

Scratching my own itch. I’m unlikely to put a lot of free effort into new features I don’t currently need.

Sponsorship or consultancy. If you’d like to discuss sponsoring work on the project, or possible consultancy, please get in touch.


Many thanks to Seam for sponsoring proper multi-schema support.

What’s next

The roadmap includes:

More speculative nice-to-haves would include:


You may find this excellent overview of TypeScript SQL libraries useful.


This software is released under the MIT licence.

Copyright © 2020 — 2023 George MacKerron

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Zapatos = shoes